FAQ: Annual Transit Card

Effective Friday, January 31, 2025, new enrollments into the City of New York Commuter Benefits Program Annual Transit Card (ATC) plan will no longer be accepted

City of New York employees enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan by Thursday, January 30, 2025, will remain enrolled in the plan. Their ATC plan pre-tax payroll deductions will continue, and their Annual Transit Card will continue to work to pay for unlimited rides on MTA subways and buses.

My Commuter Benefits payroll deduction was cancelled. How can I resume my payroll deduction?

Log into your agency’s payroll portal at https://www.commuterbenefitsnyc.com/signup.aspx to re-enroll in the commuter plan of your choice. Because of payroll timeframes, your deductions may not occur for up to two payroll periods.

Can I return my MTA Annual Transit Card (ATC)?

Effective January 31, 2025, new ATC plan enrollments will not be accepted. City of New York employees enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan by Thursday, January 30, 2025, will remain enrolled in the plan. Their ATC plan pre-tax payroll deductions will continue, and their Annual Transit Card will continue to work to pay for unlimited rides on MTA subways and buses.

ATC returns are accepted by mail and must be received by Edenred no later than 1st of the benefit month (for example, the deadline for your January ATC order is January 1st). Edenred will apply a credit of $132 to your Commuter Account within 60 days from the date the return was received. 

Information to include in your return envelope:

  • The physical ATC pass that you are returning
  • Full legal name
  • Employer name: City of New York

Edenred’s mailing address for returns:

Edenred Commuter Benefits
P.O. Box 540515
Waltham, MA 02454

What is the Annual Transit Card?

Effective January 31, 2025, new ATC plan enrollments will not be accepted. City of New York employees enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan by Thursday, January 30, 2025, will remain enrolled in the plan. Their ATC plan pre-tax payroll deductions will continue, and their Annual Transit Card will continue to work to pay for unlimited rides on MTA subways and buses.

The Annual Transit Card is an annual unlimited ride MetroCard. When you enroll in the Annual Card Program, you will receive a MetroCard that can be used for a continuous 12-month period for unlimited rides on MTA subway and local buses.

How does the Annual Transit Card Plan work?

Effective January 31, 2025, new ATC plan enrollments will not be accepted. City of New York employees enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan by Thursday, January 30, 2025, will remain enrolled in the plan. Their ATC plan pre-tax payroll deductions will continue, and their Annual Transit Card will continue to work to pay for unlimited rides on MTA subways and buses.

Upon your enrollment in the Annual Transit Card Plan, Edenred sets up your Commuter account to hold your monthly pre-tax deductions. The deduction amount is equal to the cost of the MTA 30-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard, $132 as of 8/20/23.

Your Annual Card will be issued and mailed to your address after your Commuter account accumulates sufficient funds.

As long as your funds remain sufficient and you participate in the program, the card will work for a continuous 12-month period, after which a new card will be issued to cover the next 12-month period. You only have to order your first card.

On the 10th day of each month, $132 will be debited from your Commuter account to cover the next month cost and thus keep your card active.

What is Edenred?

Edenred is the City’s commuter benefit provider.

How do I enroll in the Annual Transit Card plan?

Effective January 31, 2025, new ATC plan enrollments will not be accepted. City of New York employees enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan by Thursday, January 30, 2025, will remain enrolled in the plan. Their ATC plan pre-tax payroll deductions will continue, and their Annual Transit Card will continue to work to pay for unlimited rides on MTA subways and buses.

Are there any service fees for the Annual Card Plan?

Effective January 31, 2025, new ATC plan enrollments will not be accepted. City of New York employees enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan by Thursday, January 30, 2025, will remain enrolled in the plan. Their ATC plan pre-tax payroll deductions will continue, and their Annual Transit Card will continue to work to pay for unlimited rides on MTA subways and buses.

The City will pay the administrative fee of $1.25 per month for this plan. The value of this fringe benefit will be added to your taxable wages reported on your W-2.

How is my W-2 affected?

Your taxable wages in Box 1, Social Security and Medicare wages in Boxes 3 and 5, and state and local wages in Boxes 16 and 18 will be reduced by the value of the pre-tax transportation deductions from your pay.

The amount of the administrative fee paid to Edenred in your behalf by the City will be shown in Box 14 as a fringe benefit added to your taxable earnings in Boxes 1, 3, 5, 16 and 18.

What are the order processing dates for Annual Transit Card?

Effective January 31, 2025, new ATC plan enrollments will not be accepted. City of New York employees enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan by Thursday, January 30, 2025, will remain enrolled in the plan. Their ATC plan pre-tax payroll deductions will continue, and their Annual Transit Card will continue to work to pay for unlimited rides on MTA subways and buses.

If you are enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan, Edenred will order the Annual Card for you. You must have sufficient funds in your commuter account on the 10th of the month for the next month usage. For example, for usage beginning April 1 you must have no less than $132 in your commuter account by March 10.

What if I don't have enough funds in my account to pay for the Annual Transit Card?

You can securely supplement the funds in your Commuter account with funds from your own personal credit or debit card. You can leave your personal credit or debit card information on file with Edenred and it will only be used if funds in your account are not sufficient to pay for your order. Please note that in order to pay with your personal credit or debit card you must have had at least one payroll deduction credited to your Commuter account.

Your other option is to skip a month and make your order after the funds in your account become sufficient.

Will Edenred take the full $132 from the credit/debit card or only the balance needed to complete the order?

Only the difference needed to complete your order will be taken from your credit/debit card.

What happens if I skip a payroll deduction?

If you do not have sufficient funds on the 10th day of the month and do not have a credit or debit card on file with Edenred, your card will stop working at the end of that month.

When will I get my Annual Transit Card?

You can expect to receive your Annual Transit Card before the first day of the benefit month. For example, your April card will arrive during the last week of March.

Effective January 31, 2025, new ATC plan enrollments will not be accepted. City of New York employees enrolled in the Annual Transit Card plan by Thursday, January 30, 2025, will remain enrolled in the plan. Their ATC plan pre-tax payroll deductions will continue, and their Annual Transit Card will continue to work to pay for unlimited rides on MTA subways and buses.

What if my pass gets lost in the mail or I get the wrong pass in the mail?

Request a replacement card. Please see the next item for details.

What happens if my Annual Transit Card is damaged, lost or stolen?

Request a replacement card. You can pick it up in person or have it mailed to you. The request can be done in three ways:

  • Online: Visit Edenred website

  • Telephone: 833-584-8109 Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm

  • Walk-in Service: See office location and hours here. You must bring one of the photo IDs:
    • U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card
    • Driver's license or state non-driver's ID card
    • Employee ID card issued by the participant's City agency, provided it contains the agency name and a photograph

If you requested in-person pick up:

  • Requests made by 3:30 pm are ready within one hour.

  • Requests made after 3:30 pm are ready next business day.

  • The replacement card is held at the service center for three days and then mailed to your address on file.

  • If you come to the service center after the replacement card has been mailed, Edenred will issue a new replacement card while you wait. The already mailed replacement card will be deactivated, so please discard it when it arrives in the mail.

If you requested the card to be mailed:

  • Requests made by 3:30 pm are mailed no later than next business day.

  • Requests made after 3:30 pm are mailed no later than 2nd business day.

  • All replacement cards are sent via USPS first-class mail.

What happens when I leave City employment?

You have 90 days after your separation date to spend the remaining funds in your commuter account. Any future or pending orders will be cancelled after the 90 days and the remaining funds will be forfeited.

How can I check my commuter account balance?

Use the following options to access your Commuter account balance with Edenred:

  • Log on to your account on Edenred website.

  • Call Edenred Customer Service at 833-584-8109 Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm and follow the prompts to check your balance. You will be required to provide the last four digits of your Employee Reference Number (ERN) and home zip code.

For additional information visit Edenred website or call Edenred Customer Service at 833-584-8109 Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm.