Legal Division

Filing and Service of Documents


Request for Step III Conference Filings

Until further notice, OLR will accept email service of all requests for Step III Conferences at STEPIIIFILINGS@OLR.NYC.GOV provided that all necessary documentation in PDF format is attached to the email.  Filing by regular mail will continue to be accepted.  For personal service, please serve all Step III Conference requests at 22 Cortlandt Street, 15th Floor, New York, New York  10007.

If you are filing a contractual grievance, please kindly include: Grievant’s name and title; Agency or Facility against which the grievance is filed; the Union representing the Grievant; the citation to the contractual provision allegedly violated; the citation to and a copy of the rule, regulation, written order or policy allegedly violated; and a copy of the Step I and Step II grievance and response.

If you are filing a grievance alleging wrongful discipline, please kindly include:  Grievant’s name and title; Agency or Facility against which the grievance is filed; the Union representing the Grievant; the citation to the contractual provision allegedly violated; a copy of the charges; the Step I determination; the Step II grievance; the Section 75 waiver, if applicable; and the Step II response.


Please note that if you do not submit all of the necessary documentation, we will not be able to take action on your Step III filing.