
In This Story

    OER celebrates completion of over 1,000 cleanups in the City Voluntary Cleanup and E-Designation programs.

    Read Mayor Adams’ December 2024 press release.

With our partner East New York Farms


    With our partner East New York Farms!, OER distributed 204 bags of topsoil to 27 people at the season’s first soil giveaway on Saturday, May 6, 2023.

113 Hamilton


    113 Hamilton Avenue has won the 2023 Big Apple Brownfield Award for Innovative Remediation for its improvement to public health and the environment in the Columbia Street Waterfront District in Brooklyn.

    Learn more.

Bay View Houses


    OER delivers free topsoil to farms at NYCHA’s Bay View Houses (pictured on the left) and Howard Houses in Brooklyn.

    Learn more.

Millbrook Building

In This Story
    Nonprofit developer West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing completes OER's cleanup program and builds new affordable senior housing on NYCHA land in the Bronx.


The New York City Mayor's Office of Environmental Remediation is a team of scientists and engineers that design and operate municipal programs to promote cleanup and redevelopment of vacant contaminated land in NYC.

Read more about OER.

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What's New at OER

4/4/2024: OER has resumed free delivery of clean soil and topsoil to community and school gardens. We deliver up to 6 cubic yards of material and will continue this service through November 2024. If your garden needs soil or topsoil, fill out an online request form and OER will work to arrange a delivery.

5/26/2022: The City stockpile (at 830 Forbell Street, Brooklyn) has 16,000 cubic yards of clean soil available for construction projects that need backfill. If your project team is interested in obtaining free clean soil, contact OER or call 212-788-8841.

OER Metrics

1000 sites remediated

Sites Remediated 1,000

30000 units of affordable housing

Units of Affordable Housing 30,000

1000 sites remediated'/>
<h3>Sites Remediated <span>1,000</span></h3>
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New City Tax Revenue$372M