Overall Crime Continues to Decline in New York City through the First Half of 2018

July 10, 2018

New York City achieved a reduction of 853 crime reports or -1.8% year-to-date, compared to the same period in 2017. There were 147 murders reported year-to-date, compared with 136 in 2017. This is an increase of 11 crimes, or +8.1%. There were 903 rapes reported year-to-date, compared with 678 in 2017. This is an increase of 225 crimes, or +33.2%. There were 6,196 robberies reported year-to-date, compared with 6,619 in 2017. This is a reduction of 423 crimes, or -6.4%. There were 9,782 felonious assaults reported year-to-date, compared with 9,827 in 2017. This is a reduction of 45 crimes, or -0.5%. There were 5,458 burglaries reported year-to-date, compared with 5,768 in 2017. This is a reduction of 310 crimes, or -5.4%. There were 20,403 grand larcenies reported year-to-date, compared with 20,658 in 2017. This is a reduction of 255 crimes, or -1.2%. There were 2,448 grand larceny autos (GLA) year-to-date, compared with 2,504 in 2017. This is a reduction of 56 crimes, or -2.2%.

Shooting incidents decreased, with 340 incidents reported year-to-date, compared with 360 in 2017. This is a decrease of 20 crimes, or -5.6%. There were 1,144 crimes reported in the Transit Bureau year-to-date, compared with 1,210 in 2017. This is a decrease of 66 crimes, or -5.5%. There were 2,304 crimes reported in the Housing Bureau year-to-date, compared with 2,326 in 2017. This is a decrease of 22 crimes, or -0.9%.

"While the overall crime rate continues to fall in New York City, it remains our top priority to forcefully combat the spikes in murder and other crimes where we know persistent pockets of crime still exist," said Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill. "Our mission will always be to relentlessly pursue the relatively small percentage of criminals responsible for the majority of the violence in our city. New Yorkers deserve nothing less than our very best work in that regard – every day, in every neighborhood."

"While crime is at a record low in New York City, there is still more work to do to ensure that every New Yorker feels safe in their neighborhood," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "This new precinct will strengthen the bond between community and police, which will ultimately help make the South Bronx and our City safer."

There were 8,235 index crimes reported for June 2018 compared with 8,209 for June 2017. This is an increase of 26 crimes, or +0.3% increase. There were 31 murders reported in June 2018, compared with 23 in June 2017. This is an increase of 8 crimes, or +34.8%. There were 155 rapes reported in June 2018, compared with 132 in June 2017. This is an increase of 23 crimes, or +17.4%. There were 1,092 robberies reported in June 2018, compared with 1,194 in June 2017. This is a reduction of 102 crimes, or -8.5%. There were 1,813 felonious assaults reported in June 2018, compared with 1,859 in June 2017. This is a reduction of 46 crimes, or -2.5%. There were 909 burglaries reported in June 2018, compared with 930 in June 2017. This is a reduction of 21 crimes, or -2.3%. There were 3,776 grand larcenies reported in June 2018, compared with 3,606 in June 2017. This is an increase of 170 crimes, or +4.7%. There were 459 grand larceny autos (GLA) reported in June 2018, compared with 465 in June 2017. This is a decrease of 6 crimes, or -1.3%.

Shooting incidents decreased, with 72 incidents reported in June 2018, compared with 79 incidents in June 2017. This is a decrease of 7 crimes, or -8.9%. There were 192 crimes reported in the Transit Bureau in June 2018, compared with 201 in June 2017. This is a decrease of 9 crimes, or -4.5%. There were 414 crimes reported in the Housing Bureau in June 2018, compared with 387 in June 2017. This is an increase of 27 crimes, or +7.0%.

Note: All Crime Statistics are preliminary and subject to further analysis, revisions, or change.