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John Hart

Assistant Chief of Intelligence: John Hart

The mission of the NYPD Intelligence Bureau is to detect and disrupt criminal and terrorist activity through the use of intelligence-led policing. In combination with traditional policing methods, uniformed officers and civilian analysts in the Intelligence Bureau collect and analyze information from a variety of sources in order to advance criminal and terrorist investigations.

NYPD Intelligence operations are divided by functional responsibility: Intelligence Operations and Analysis Section (IOAS) and the Criminal Intelligence Section (CIS). The objective of IOAS is to thwart potential terrorist plots. To that end, IOAS deploys seasoned investigators and civilian analysts to collect, synthesize, and analyze information about individuals or groups believed to be engaged in unlawful activity.

CIS fulfills a similar function in the criminal realm and likewise comprises investigative and analytic cadres. Another critical component of CIS is the Field Intelligence Officer (FIO) program. FIOs are ranking uniformed officers deployed to each NYPD precinct, where they collect and disseminate criminal intelligence information in order to support narcotics, firearms and other criminal investigations, ranging from simple short-term cases to complex long-term ones.

Through its International Liaison Program, the Intelligence Bureau posts officers in law enforcement agencies in major cities around the world. These liaisons support the NYPD by providing situational awareness and exchanging best-practices related to policing with local agencies. Similarly, members of the Intelligence Bureau in New York work closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement partners to keep the city safe.

The Intelligence Bureau's investigative activities are conducted in accordance with rules established pursuant to a federal court decree.