
The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), the largest public housing authority in North America, was created in 1935 to provide decent, affordable housing for low- and moderate-income New Yorkers. NYCHA is home to 1 in 17 New Yorkers, providing affordable housing to 528,105 authorized residents through public housing and Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) programs as well as Section 8 housing. NYCHA has 177,569 apartments in 2,411 buildings across 335 conventional public housing and PACT developments.

NYCHA serves 360,970 residents in 177,569 apartments across 335 conventional public housing and PACT developments. There are 330,118 residents in 161,585 apartments within 274 conventional public housing program (Section 9) developments, and 30,852 authorized residents in 15,984 apartments within 61 PACT developments.

Use our interactive mapping tool and online directories (updates coming soon) to get key details about any development, such as its address, resident association info, on-site resources and facilities, photos, maps, demographics, and more. You can even find the development's closest subway, school, or library.

Developments of the New York City Housing Authority (2024 Update)

Offers a comprehensive overview of all of the NYCHA Developments throughout the five Boroughs of New York City. The Map is also color coded to denote developments by program type. View the Developments of the New York City Housing Authority 2024 Map.

Interactive Map and Address Search

Search for NYCHA buildings, developments, development management offices, hurricane zones, and boundaries for elected officials. You can also enter an address to see if it’s near or part of a NYCHA development. View map now.

Interactive Artwork Map

Discover NYCHA’s 80+ artworks dating from now to the 1930s. We have compiled photos and detailed information to help connect our developments to their communities through artwork. Please contact us about our artwork policy and mapping project at View map now.

Development Maps

NYCHA Development Maps display residential and non-residential structures with building and address numbers as well as tax lot boundaries. They include information on the NYCHA building and stair hall numbers, NYC Department of Building Identification Numbers (BIN), tax block and lot numbers, AMP (Asset Management Project) numbers, and any facilities located at each address number.

Maps of PACT Development

Developments selected to be a part of the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program will receive comprehensive renovations, enhanced property management, and expanded on-site social services. Maps of the PACT developments display residential and non-residential structures with building and address numbers, as well as tax lot boundaries. They include information on the building and stairhall numbers, NYC Department of Building Identification Numbers (BIN), tax block and lot numbers, Project Manager name and Social Service Provider details, and any facilities located at each address number.

Property Directory as of January 1, 2024

NYCHA's Property Directory is divided into four sections: Address, Development, Political Districts, and the Block and Lot guides. These four indexed property data guides provide easy access to information about properties owned by NYCHA. A new section, PACT Development Directory, includes all NYCHA developments transferred to the PACT program.

Address Guide

The Address Guide is organized by borough with the property addresses listed alphabetically with the development name.

Development Guide

The Development Guide lists the developments alphabetically and includes the address, building, and stair hall numbers, as well as any facilities located at the address.

Political Districts Guide

The Political Districts Guide lists the developments alphabetically and includes the Congressional, State Assembly, State Senate, and City Council districts for each address.

Block and Lot Guide

The Block and Lot Guide is organized by borough and lists the tax blocks and lots numerically with the development name and address.

PACT Development Property Guide

The PACT Development Guide lists the transferred developments alphabetically and includes the address, building, BIN, BBL, and former TDS, as well as the political districts for each address.

Development Data Book

The Development Data Book lists all of the Authority's Developments alphabetically and includes information on the development identification numbers, program and construction type, number of apartments and rental rooms, population, number of buildings and stories, street boundaries, and political districts. A Glossary of Terms used in the Development Data Book is provided in the back of the book.