For Immediate Release: June 11, 2021
Contact:, 212-669-7938
This initiative will enable homeowners to virtually meet one-on-one with LPC preservation staff to discuss their potential projects and ask questions about permitting.
NEW YORK – Today, the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) announced the launch of its Open Office Hours initiative for homeowners considering work on their designated buildings. This initiative will enable property owners to virtually meet one-on-one with preservation staff to discuss their potential projects and ask questions about LPC permitting.
"Addressing equity in every aspect of LPC's work has been my priority throughout my tenure, including enhancing transparency and accessibility in our regulatory work," said Landmarks Preservation Commission Chair Sarah Carroll. "LPC's Open Office Hours initiative, launched as part of our equity framework, will help us make our services more accessible and ensure all property owners are supported through technical assistance and improved guidance so that their proposed work is approved in a timely manner."
LPC's Preservation Department, which is comprised of professionally-trained preservationists, is responsible for reviewing permit applications from property owners, issuing permits for certain kinds of work to landmark buildings and sites, and preparing applications for review by the full Commission. The Open Office Hours initiative will connect preservation staff directly with those looking to do work on their designated buildings, to help them obtain approval for work that meets their needs and is sensitive to the historic buildings. Homeowners can discuss work prior to applying for a permit, and staff will strive to help meet their goals and LPC regulations.
Preservation staff will be holding Open Office Hours for homeowners in every borough throughout the summer, starting on June 24th in the Bronx. All sessions will be held between 4 and 6 p.m. via Zoom and participants will be assigned a time to speak with a staff preservationist. Time slots are first come, first served and space is limited, so signing up early is recommended. See dates below.
Sign-up sheets for Open Office Hours sessions in July and August will be posted on LPC's website.
The Landmarks Preservation Commission is the mayoral agency responsible for protecting and preserving New York City's architecturally, historically and culturally significant buildings and sites. Since its creation in 1965, LPC has granted landmark status to more than 37,000 buildings and sites, including 1,442 individual landmarks, 120 interior landmarks, 11 scenic landmarks, and 151 historic districts and extensions in all five boroughs. For more information, visit and connect with us via and