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NYC Junior Ambassadors from Eagle Academy (Bronx) touring the general Assembly building at the United Nations Headquarters.
NYC Junior Ambassadors from Eagle Academy (Bronx) touring the general Assembly building at the United Nations Headquarters.

NYC Junior Ambassadors provides a holistic experience of the United Nations and international affairs for 7th, 8th, and 9th graders and their educators. Through curated tours of the United Nations, visits to classrooms by senior UN diplomats and focused in-class learning about global issues through the Sustainable Development Goals, students grow to understand the real connections between themselves, the United Nations, and their communities.

Students and educators also participate in a culminating celebration designed to highlight their year-end projects, and give diplomats and leaders in local government an opportunity to recognize the achievements of the classrooms and build connections.

Throughout the program, NYC Junior Ambassadors are engaged in thinking critically about the UN and its efforts to address global challenges. Through NYC Junior Ambassadors, we're creating global diplomats, locally.
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