You can find a summary of the documents required for tenant subsidy applications for HPD’s various rental subsidy programs here
The Continuum of Care program is a federally funded rental assistance program that assists homeless families or individuals by providing housing and/or services needed to help them move into housing, with the goal of long-term stability. HPD administers the federal CoC subsidy for your apartment.
The Shelter Plus Care (SPC) program, a component of the CoC program, provides project-based rental assistance and supportive services through long term contracts with owners of private apartments. HPD provides monthly rental assistance payments for CoC SPC apartments occupied by eligible households, who are CoC SPC participants. Participants pay approximately 30% of their adjusted incomes towards rent. HPD administers the rental assistance under the CoC program, and the project’s service provider administers supportive services.
The Mod SRO program, a component of the CoC program, provides project-based rental assistance and supportive services through long-term contracts with owners of private units. HPD provides monthly rental assistance payments for CoC Mod SRO units occupied by eligible tenants, who are CoC Mod SRO program participants. Participants pay approximately 30% of their adjusted incomes towards rent.
The Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) project-based rental assistance program is a federally funded affordable housing program that through long-term contracts with owners of private apartments provides monthly rental assistance payments for apartments occupied by eligible households. Assisted households pay approximately 30% of their adjusted incomes towards rent.
This program provides project-based rental assistance with supportive services to homeless individuals and families.