Want to get in touch? You can find the right person to speak with about your inquiry below.
The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) is headquartered at 100 Gold Street, New York, NY 10038. To learn more about HPD Offices and Divisions, please visit the Office Descriptions / Organization Chart webpage.
Click a topic, or press the enter key on a topic, to reveal its answer.
NYC Housing Connect Affordable Housing Lotteries
NYC Housing Connect
Affordable Housing Lottery Helpline: 212-863-7990
Email: nychousingconnect@hpd.nyc.gov
For information on applying for affordable housing for people with disabilities, please submit accessibility inquiries to:
Phone: 212-863-6486
Email: accessibility@hpd.nyc.gov
Section 8
About Section 8
Phone: 917-286-4300
Download the list of Section 8 email addresses
Enforcement and Housing Code Violations
Code Enforcement and Neighborhood Preservation
Phone: Visit the Borough Service Centers webpage for the phone number of the Service Center in your borough.
Property Management and Homeownership
Property Registration
Phone: 212-863-7000
Email: register@hpd.nyc.gov
Questions? Schedule an appointment to speak with a Registration Unit representative.
Phone: 212-863-6500
Email: Mitchell-lama@hpd.nyc.gov
HDFC Co-ops
Email: hdfccoop@hpd.nyc.gov
HPD Mortgage Servicing Requests
Phone: 212-863-6914
Email: mortintake@hpd.nyc.gov
Homeowner Help Desk
Phone: 855-HOME-456
New Construction
Email: mfnc@hpd.nyc.gov
Email: hpdpres@hpd.nyc.gov
Inclusionary Housing
Email: inclusionary@hpd.nyc.gov
Building and Land Development Services (BLDS)
Email: BLDS.Contact@hpd.nyc.gov
Economic Opportunity and Regulatory Compliance (Labor Monitoring Unit)
Email: LMUMonitoring@hpd.nyc.gov
M/WBE Building Opportunity Initiative
M/WBE Build Up Program
Neighborhood Planning
Planning and Predevelopment
Outreach and Education
HPD Outreach Van
Email: hpdoutreach@hpd.nyc.gov
Neighborhood Outreach and Education
Phone: 212-863-8830
Email: OEE@hpd.nyc.gov
Legal Affairs
Notice About Service of Process
For anyone seeking to serve HPD, email ServeHPD@hpd.nyc.gov. In addition, we are now accepting service in person. For anyone seeking to serve HPD in person, please contact Mildred Shirley at ShirleyM@hpd.nyc.gov and/or SullivA@hpd.nyc.gov to make arrangements for a time to serve HPD in person. Please note that HPD will only accept service in person on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding holidays on which City agency offices are closed.
HPD's Housing Litigation Division (HLD) is now accepting electronic service of emergency Housing Part actions. HLD has established the following email addresses for service in each borough:
Bronx: HLDBRONXCASES@hpd.nyc.gov
Brooklyn: HLDBROOKLYNCASES@hpd.nyc.gov
Manhattan: HLDMANHATTANCASES@hpd.nyc.gov
Queens and Staten Island: HLDQU_SI_CASES@hpd.nyc.gov
HLD also accepts service by mail. For mail service, please indicate the following room number on the envelope for the respective borough:
Bronx: 6Q3
Brooklyn: 6X2
Manhattan: 6R2
Queens & Staten Island: 6N3
You may also call HLD at 212-863-8200.
Please note that service is currently being accepted electronically via this method only for HPD. Service of process on individual employees should continue to proceed in the manner required by applicable law. If you seek to serve process on an individual employee of HPD and would like to do so electronically via this method, you may send a request to the applicable email address above.
Certification of No Harassment
Phone: 212-863-8266
Email: conhinfo@hpd.nyc.gov
Press Inquiries press@hpd.nyc.gov
Communications Team : All non-press, communications needs comms@hpd.nyc.gov
All Other Inquiries
Please call HPD's main number: 212-863-6300 or email askhpd@hpd.nyc.gov.