Housing New York

Over the past eight years, we have:

Expanded Access to Affordable Housing Opportunities

Through Housing New York, we set out to produce more housing for New Yorkers, at a wider range of incomes, and to get those homes to the residents who need it most as quickly and equitably as possible. To achieve those goals, we:

  • Deepened the affordability of our housing
  • Created new programs and expanded innovative housing models
  • Made the marketing of our housing fairer and more efficient
  • Secured new resources

Supported the Most Vulnerable New Yorkers

The enormity and complexity of the affordable housing crisis for populations in need demand a comprehensive and compassionate policy response, one that was made all the more urgent by the COVID-19 pandemic. HNY has played a critical role in creating housing opportunities for the city’s most vulnerable residents, having:

  • Increased housing and services for homeless New Yorkers
  • Expanded rental assistance
  • Redoubled our commitment to supportive housing
  • Improved housing options for seniors
  • Served New Yorkers with disabilities

Kept New Yorkers in their Homes and Stabilized Properties in Distress

The Administration has worked on multiple fronts to keep New Yorkers in their homes by investing in the physical and financial health of our public and affordable housing stock, and taking a coordinated, aggressive approach to protecting tenants from intimidating or unsafe residential conditions. To achieve those goals, the City has:

  • Launched new programs to proactively preserve affordability
  • Safeguarded the remaining stock of Mitchell-Lama housing
  • Advanced NYCHA PACT
  • Protected Tenants from Harassment and Displacement
  • Launched New Initiatives to Respond to COVID-19

Promoted Healthy, Sustainable, Quality Housing

With Housing New York, we didn’t want to just produce more housing, we wanted to create better housing— through initiatives that ensure the health and safety of residents, design that leads to healthier outcomes for people, buildings, and neighborhoods, and strategies that save energy and make our communities more resilient in the face of climate change:

  • Enhanced enforcement and outreach efforts to improve housing quality
  • Set a high bar for affordable housing design
  • Promoted sustainability
  • Advanced resiliency efforts in areas at risk of the impacts of climate change

Advanced Fair Housing and Equity

Through unparalleled investments and innovative policies, this Administration has fought to create a more affordable and equitable city by preventing displacement, giving New Yorkers a real choice in where they live, and preserving and creating affordable housing in all our communities to ensure that we are both making all neighborhoods accessible to all New Yorkers, and helping to draw investment to neighborhoods that have experienced historic disinvestment and discrimination:

  • Launched fair housing blueprint: Where We Live NYC
  • Prioritized M/WBE and non-profit partners

Fostered Diverse and Livable Neighborhoods

Since the start of this Administration, we’ve worked in lockstep with communities to plan for investments in the infrastructure and services needed to accommodate growth and make neighborhoods more livable, while advancing policies to ensure affordable housing is stitched into the fabric of neighborhoods across the city:

  • Launched new community-centered approach to neighborhood planning
  • Advanced policies for equitable neighborhood growth
  • Spearheaded neighborhood plans and rezonings
  • Transformed public sites with placemaking projects