Red light camera violations

Red light camera facts

  • The Department of Transportation (DOT) reviews the images from the cameras for possible violations and mails out notices of liability to vehicle owners.
  • Regardless of who was driving, the owner of the car is responsible for the ticket.
  • Red light camera tickets do not result in any points on your driving record.
  • Once the light turns red, the camera is automatically activated by sensors that pick up the vehicle crossing over the crosswalk line.
  • If you fail to stop, you may be sent a notice of liability in the mail with the picture of your car driving through the red light.
  • You can view the evidence against you by logging on to the website printed on the notice of liability.
  • DOT personnel must issue technician’s certificates certifying the proper operability of the camera on the date of occurrence, along with a confirmation that the vehicle bearing your license plate number was the one that drove through the red light.
  • Multiple red light camera violations issued at different locations on the same day are each enforceable.
Chart showing the different fields of data in a Red Camera Light Notice of Liability
  • The photos in the notice of liability will have a black bar above them with certain information:
    • Date of the violation
    • Violation time (in military time)
    • Camera location
    • Elapsed time from when the light turned red (in seconds)
    • Street lane that triggered the camera (counted from right to left)
    • Serial frame of the photo
  • Photo sequence: The first photo will show the vehicle passing or entering the crosswalk line while the light was red. The second photo will show the vehicle after it has passed under the traffic signal and through the intersection. The third photo will show a close-up of the vehicle’s license plate.
  • You have evidence showing that you drove through the red light because of a health or emergency situation.
  • You have evidence showing that you drove through the red light because you were following the instructions of law enforcement personnel.
  • You have evidence showing that you drove through the red light because you were part of a funeral procession.
  • You have evidence showing that your vehicle or license plate was not the one depicted in the photos.
  • You have evidence showing that your vehicle or license plate was stolen or transferred prior to the date and time of the violation.
  • If your vehicle was not the only one in the photo, it may be possible that your vehicle was not the one that triggered the camera.
  • You may attempt to challenge the proper operability of the camera if you have evidence that the camera malfunctioned at the time of the violation. Ask for the technician’s certificates.
  • Your evidence shows that the traffic light was broken at the time of occurrence.

The summons should be answered within 30 days. If the amount due on the notice of liability is not paid within 30 days, a notice will be sent to the vehicle owner with a $25 penalty added. A final notice is sent 30 days thereafter if the summons remains outstanding. Enforcement action may commence against the registered owner 14 days following the final notice.