The Fire Department of New York (FDNY) requires that the installation, alteration, testing and repair of liquid motor fuel storage and dispensing equipment and systems, and flammable or combustible liquid storage systems, be conducted by a person holding a certificate of license (COL) or by an employee of such certificate holder working under his or her direct supervision.
We provide tests to individual applicants to ensure they know the proper and safe installation, alternation, testing and repair of liquid motor fuel storage and dispensing equipment and systems, and flammable or combustible liquid storage systems in accordance with Fire code and rules, and any other applicable laws, rules and regulations. You can read more about COL in Section FC 114 (PDF) of the Fire Code.
The original application fee is $145.00 including the fee of a Computer Based Test.
All COLs are valid for 2 years, the renewal fee is $30.
All COLs that are subjected to renewal, can be processed online, except those that receive a fee waiver. However, all COL holders must also mail the renewal form and updated insurance information.
All the application and renewal information should be referred to the Notice of Exam of each COL.
The Certificate of License must keep FDNY insurance records and Certificate of License up to date in order to appear on the Approved Company List.
The following is a list of Certificates of License offered by the FDNY. It is listed in alphabetical order.
NYC Fire Department (FDNY)
Public Certification Unit
9 MetroTech Center, 1st Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (718) 999-1988
Email: or call 311