The City of New York has worked hand-in-hand with community partners and residents to identify the best ways to meet the many challenges caused by the climate crisis including sea level rise and more frequent, intense storms. Community engagement for the East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) Project began with the Rebuild by Design competition and continues to this day. Through numerous public design workshops, the community reviewed and discussed various approaches using three-dimensional models and drawings of different design options. To better understand community needs, the project design team also analyzed earlier plans and projects in the area, including the East River Waterfront Esplanade, A People's Plan and The East River Blueway Plan.
Guidance was also provided by a Waterfront Task Force representing Community Boards 3 and 6 (CB3 and CB6), as well as other community-based organizations and stakeholder groups, with workshops organized around specific topic areas for more focused discussions and input on the project.
Explore the public presentations given throughout the design phase to learn more.