Take time now to plan how you will talk to friends or emergency workers in an emergency. During an emergency, your normal way of communicating may be affected by changes in environment, noise, service disruptions or confusion. Your emergency plan should include different ways you can communicate with others. Make a plan
There are resources available to help you locate family and friends that have been affected by a disaster. Learn more
Call 911:
Call 311:
If the 911 system becomes unavailable for any reason, call the fire department dispatcher and emergency medical service or your local police precinct.
Unless otherwise noted, contact City government offices by calling 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115).
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
New York City Human Resources Administration
New York City Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
Tip: if you rely on medical equipment that requires electric power, ask your utility company if the medical equipment qualifies you to be listed as a life-sustaining equipment customer. Learn more about listing as a life-sustaining equipment customer.
Con Edison
Public Service Electric and Gas Company – Long Island (PSEG Long Island)
National Grid
American Red Cross in Greater New York
Salvation Army: New York Division
New York Cares
New York Disaster Interfaith Services
Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc.
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York
United Jewish Appeal
National Organization on Disability's Emergency Preparedness Initiative
NYC Well
For mental health information, a referral, or if you need to talk to someone, call NYC Well, New York City's confidential, 24-hour Mental Health Hotline at 1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355). For the Relay Service for Deaf/Hard of Hearing, call 711.
Interpreters are available for 200+ languages. Stay on the line, and you will be connected with a counselor who can connect you to translator services.
Visit the NYC Severe Weather - Resources for Property Owners page for links and resources for how homeowners and business owners can prepare their buildings for weather emergencies, natural disasters, and power outages. There are also resources for communicating information about these events to tenants.