Strengthening Communities Program

What is the Strengthening Communities Program?

Emergencies affect every community differently, but you can help your community be prepared and resilient. For the NYC Emergency Management's Strengthening Communities program, it pays to be prepared: The program offers grants to community networks to build their emergency preparedness plan and support local community resources.

The training program focuses on five key areas to build an emergency plan specific to their communities:

  • Create a needs assessment review
  • Design community maps of the area where they provide services
  • Build a directory of resources for after an emergency
  • Prepare a communications strategy to message their staff before, during, and after emergencies
  • Design plans on how to plans to manage donations and accept volunteers

The program (also referred to as the Strengthening Communities through Recovery program) is funded by the City as part of our ongoing commitment to direct support of our communities, and all training courses, coaching and innovative collaborations are provided by NYC Emergency Management’s community engagement unit.

More Information

Interested in applying but still have questions? Check out these recordings:

Information Session

FAQ Session