Press Release

For Immediate Release


Special guest discusses the importance of preparing before emergencies


September 5, 2018
— September is National Preparedness Month, and the New York City Emergency Management Department wants New Yorkers to take the opportunity to get prepared. In recognition of National Preparedness Month, “Prep Talk” hosts sat down with Iskra Killgore, director of community engagement and language access at NYC Emergency Management, to discuss the importance of preparing New Yorkers before emergencies, along with a number of preparedness events planned throughout the city during the month.

National Preparedness Month reminds individuals to prepare themselves and their families now and throughout the year. While disasters happen, you can prepare now and learn how. During this episode, Killgore discusses how NYC Emergency Management works with City agencies and community partners to organize and promote a number of events for the entire family, including children, older adults, and pets, as well as the steps New Yorkers and their communities can take to be ready. Killgore emphasizes that the month focuses on four weekly themes: Make and Practice a Plan, Learn Life Saving Skills, Check Your Insurance Coverage, and Save for an Emergency.

Click to listen to episode 15 on SoundCloud and iTunes. For more information and resources about National Preparedness Month, including a calendar of events, visit and


Iskra Killgore is the director of community engagement and language access at the New York City Emergency Management Department. She is responsible for leading the strategic planning and outreach efforts focused on community and household emergency preparedness and education. Killgore also leads the planning for provision of language access services during emergencies in New York City.

NYC Emergency Management ‘Prep Talk’ Podcast Series:

Get ready for your emergency prep talk! NYC Emergency Management has launched “Prep Talk,” a new podcast series that engages listeners about emergency management topics. Listen as NYC Emergency Management hosts Omar Bourne and Allison Pennisi talk with guests who keep our city safe and prepared before, during and after emergencies. You can listen to “Prep Talk” on SoundCloud and iTunes, and subscribe now to stay up-to-date on the latest episodes.


MEDIA CONTACT: Omar Bourne (718) 422-4888

STAY CONNECTED: Twitter: @NotifyNYC (emergency notifications); @nycoem (emergency preparedness info); Facebook: /NYCemergencymanagement