Contracting Opportunities

Proposals/Bids in 2017

The New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) invests in a network of community based organizations and programs to alleviate the effects of poverty and provide opportunities for New Yorkers and communities to flourish.

DYCD contracts with various community-based organizations that provide services and activities for youth and low-income populations. 

Procurement Title: Beacon Community Centers Request for Proposals

Agency Email Contact:

RFP Release Date: 04/17/17

The Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) is excited to release, through the HHS Accelerator system, the Beacon Community Centers Request for Proposals (RFP) to those organizations prequalified in the relevant service areas.

Beacons serve youth from Kindergarten through age 21 and adults ages 22 and older including seniors. Located in public schools across New York City (City) and operating year-round in non-school hours on weekdays, weekends and in the summer, each Beacon transforms its host school into a resource for the whole community by offering an integrated range of programming tailored to local needs.

Proposal submission: All proposals must be submitted through the HHS Accelerator system in the manner set forth in the “Procurement” section of the system by pre-qualified organizations. Visit HHS Accelerator to learn more and to apply.

Pre-proposal Conference: The pre-proposal conference for this RFP will be held at the Department of Youth and Community Development; 2 Lafayette Street, 14th floor Auditorium New York, NY 10007. It is recommended but not mandatory for those interested in applying that you attend one of the sessions listed below: 
Date: May 10, 2017
Time:10:00AM or 2:00PM
Date: May 11, 2017
Time: 2:00PM

If you wish to attend one of the pre-proposal conferences, you must RSVP using the following link: Eventbrite Registration 
Please be sure to arrive early to allow for security check.

DYCD will post the transcripts, sign in sheets and presentation slides on our website for all sessions above. 

Questions regarding this RFP should be emailed to indicating “Beacon Community Centers RFP” in the subject line no later than May 17, 2017.

The due date for this RFP is May 24, 2017 at 2:00PM in the HHS Accelerator system.
Please visit HHS Accelerator to learn more and to apply.

In accordance with the Procurement Policy Board Rules, section 3-02(h), the Department of Youth and Community Development is making available the Beacon Request For Proposal Pre-Proposal Conference  (PPC) attendance sheets, and presentation and transcript from the PPC which were held on May 10th, 2017 at 10:00 am, May 10th, 2017 at 2:00 pm and May 11th, 2017 at 2:00 pm.

Procurement Title: Beacon Community Centers with ACS Prevention Programs Request for Proposals (Part 1 of 1- Beacon Programs and Part 2 of 2 - ACS Program)

Agency Email Contact:

RFP Release Date: 04/17/17

In collaboration with the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) is proud to release, through the HHS Accelerator system, the Beacon Community Centers with ACS Prevention Programs Request for Proposals (RFP) to those organizations prequalified in the relevant service areas.

The ACS Beacon Prevention programs provide preventive services to families with youth at risk of foster care placement in a manner which ensures the safety of the youth and preserves, supports, and strengthens the family, when appropriate.

Proposal submission: Those interested in applying must apply to two RFPs, the Beacon Community Center with assigned EPIN: 26017I003 and the ACS preventive Programs with assigned EPIN: 26017I0004. A proposer will not be eligible for an award under this RFP unless it also submits a proposal for the same site under RFP EPIN 26017I0003.  All proposals must be submitted through the HHS Accelerator system in the manner set forth in the “Procurement” section of the system by pre-qualified organizations. Visit HHS Accelerator to learn more and to apply.

Pre-proposal Conference: The  pre-proposal conference for this RFP will be held at the Department of Youth and Community Development; 2 Lafayette Street, 14th floor Auditorium New York, NY 10007 on Tuesday, May 12, 2017 at 2:00PM. It is recommended but not mandatory for those interested in applying that you attend this session: 
If you wish to attend  the pre-proposal conference, you must RSVP using the following link: Eventbrite Registration 
Please be sure to arrive early to allow for security check.

DYCD will post the transcripts, sign in sheets and presentation slides on our website for all sessions above. 

Questions regarding this RFP should be emailed to indicating “Beacon ACS Prevention RFP” in the subject line no later than May 24, 2017.

The due date for this RFP is May 31, 2017 at 2:00PM in the HHS Accelerator system.
Please visit HHS Accelerator to learn more and to apply.

In accordance with the Procurement Policy Board Rules, section 3-02(h), the Department of Youth and Community Development is making available the Beacon ACS Prevention RFP for Pre-Proposal Conference (PPC) attendance sheets, and presentation and transcript from the PPC which were held on May 12th, 2017 at 2:00 pm.

Procurement Title: Vulnerable Youth Residential Services: Crisis Shelter and Transitional Independent Living Services Open-ended Request for Proposals

Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development
Agency Email Contact:

RFP Release Date: 8/23/16

Through the HHS Accelerator system, DYCD is proud to release the Vulnerable Youth Residential Services: Crisis Shelter and Transitional Independent Living (TIL) Services Open-ended Request for Proposals (RFP) to those organizations prequalified in the relevant service areas. Likewise, proposals must be submitted through the HHS Accelerator system in the manner set forth in the “Procurement” section of the system by those same pre-qualified organizations. Visit HHS Accelerator to learn more and to apply.

Through this RFP, DYCD is seeking appropriately qualified not-for-profit organizations to provide Crisis Shelter and TIL services in New York City for youth who are runaway and homeless and youth at risk for homelessness.

The pre-proposal conferences will be held at  2 Lafayette Street, 14th Floor Auditorium, New York, NY 10007 on August 30, 2016 at 2:00PM.

This is an open-ended RFP and will remain open for an indefinite period. There is no prescribed due date for submission. However, to ensure that additional beds will be operating as of July 1, 2017, a first round of proposals for FY2018 will be due by September 26, 2016 at 2:00PM. Proposals will be reviewed by DYCD as they are received and on an ongoing basis. DYCD does reserves the right to terminate this open ended RFP at any time.

Questions regarding this RFP should be emailed to indicating “Vulnerable Youth: TILs or Vulnerable Youth: Crisis Shelters, as well as the fiscal year proposed, in the subject line.” in the subject line no later than September 16, 2016.

Due date for this RFP is Open Ended in the HHS Accelerator system.
Please visit HHS Accelerator to learn more and to apply.

Additional RHY program information: