

Depression Is More Than Feeling Sad

  • Everyone feels sad, irritable or down sometimes. Depression is different. It is long-lasting, hurts people's ability to feel joy and makes coping with daily life exhausting.
  • Depression is not a choice or a sign of weakness or laziness. No one should feel ashamed about having it.

*Source: Belkin G, Linos N, Perlman SE, Norman C, Bassett MT. A roadmap for better mental health in New York City. Lancet 2016; 387:207-208.

There Are Common Signs of Depression

People with depression may not look or act like they are sick or in pain, but their symptoms are just as real as any other health problem.

You may have depression if over the last two weeks you have consistently:
  • Felt sad or hopeless
  • Lost interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • Slept or ate too much or not enough
  • Had trouble concentrating or making decisions
  • Had physical problems that won't go away
  • Had thoughts about death or suicide

Depression Is Treatable

  • There are many ways to treat depression.
  • Many people find relief by participating in talk therapy, taking medication, being physically active and learning new coping skills.

How to Get Help for Yourself
Talk with your doctor about how you're feeling and treatment options.

How to Support Others
If someone you know talks about feeling depressed, be supportive and non-judgmental. Encourage them to talk with their doctor or to call NYC Well.

For help finding services or making an appointment, text WELL to 65173, call NYC Well at 1-888-NYCWELL or visit NYC Well is confidential and free.

If you're already getting treatment for depression, know that it takes time to get better. Continue to talk with people you trust and tell your doctor if you're struggling.

Besides talking to a doctor, many people find that taking these actions can help relieve their symptoms:

Being physically

Being outside in
a park or other green

Spending time
with people who
support you

Following your
treatment plan

Eating a
healthier diet

Making time for
things you enjoy

Skipping or reducing
alcohol and drug use
