New York City Neighborhood Health Atlas

Health outcomes are influenced by social factors, such as education, economic opportunity and environment. Due to these factors, New Yorkers in some neighborhoods live longer, healthier lives than those in other areas. The New York City Neighborhood Health Atlas provides data on about 100 measures related to health and social factors for 188 neighborhoods. The data provide a comprehensive and granular view of neighborhood health and its potential determinants, serving as a useful resource for the promotion of health and health equity in our neighborhoods.

Atlas Measures

The Neighborhood Health Atlas’ measures relate to health and neighborhood characteristics, including:

  • Demographics (such as race, age, country of origin)
  • Social and economic conditions (education, poverty, disabilities)
  • Health outcomes (hospitalizations, rates of communicable diseases, premature mortality)
  • Health care (health insurance status, number of primary care providers, Medicaid enrollment)
  • Housing (density, rent burden)
  • Neighborhood conditions (air quality, number of tobacco retailers, crime complaints)

Neighborhood Tabulation Areas

The Neighborhood Health Atlas defines neighborhoods as Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTAs). NTAs are statistical areas constructed by the City to analyze and estimate the populations of small areas. Each NTA consists of census tracts that lie strictly within a Public Use Microdata Area. These areas roughly correspond to the city’s Community Districts. NTAs have assigned names and boundaries corresponding to historical neighborhoods that people can easily identify, and they provide detailed and reliable data. You can get more information about NTAs from the Department of City Planning.

If you have any questions about the Neighborhood Health Atlas, email