The Bureau of Transitional Health Care Coordination is responsible for coordinating health education and service delivery from incarceration to the community for all City inmates. Health Education programs focusing on critical areas of concern for all New Yorkers form the cornerstone of the program. These include HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and asthma.
Transitional Health Care Coordination is integrated with other programs in the Division including processing for enrollment into Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and EPIC. It also has links with other Health Department programs, the District Public Health Offices, other City agencies, the Discharge Planning Task Force, and community-based providers throughout the City.
While a full range of health services is provided on Rikers Island and at the Borough Houses, linking patients and their families to health information and services in the community will promote better access to health care services through a true continuity of care model. The Central Visit Center Health Station at Rikers Island offers health information and screenings to inmates' families and through referrals is an avenue to community programs.
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene Clinics have Certified Application Counselors (CACs)to assist you in applying for free or low cost health insurance. Please visit the Where to Apply for Health Insurance webpage to see the list of clinics.
For additional information and help with enrolling, call 311 or visit New York State of Health: The Official Health Plan Marketplace .