Medicaid, Child Health Plus and the Essential Plan are available for enrollment year-round. If you are currently enrolled in these programs, you will need to renew your coverage every 12 months.
For Qualified Health Plans, you may only enroll during the Open Enrollment Period (from November 1 through January 31) or during a Special Enrollment Period if you recently had a change in your family circumstances, income, or health insurance.
Explain your health insurance and care options, regardless of your immigration status.
Help you and your family enroll in or renew health insurance.
Find out if you qualify for financial help to pay for a low-cost private health insurance plan.
Assist you with applying for SNAP benefits (food stamps).
Counselor Locations by Borough
Search below by borough to find a counselor, call for more details, or to schedule your enrollment appointment. Help is available in many languages and regardless of immigration status.
Facilitated Enrollment for the Aged, Blind and Disabled
If you are 65 or older, certified blind or certified disabled, you may qualify for Medicaid. You can get free assistance to enroll in or renew your Medicaid, and apply for the Medicare and the Medicare Savings Program, which helps cover Medicare costs. Note, this assistance is separate from the NY State of Health Marketplace services.
To make an appointment, call 347-396-4705.
Health Insurance Coverage Options for Immigrants
Medicaid for Undocumented New Yorkers Age 65 and Older
Undocumented adults age 65 and older who meet income requirements are now eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid offers comprehensive health coverage including routine doctors’ visits, prescriptions, mental health services and hospital stays.
Personal information, including immigration status, will only be used to determine health insurance eligibility. It will remain confidential and will not be shared.
To qualify, New Yorkers must have income at or below:
$21,597 for an individual
$29,187 for a household of two
Health Insurance Options for DACA Recipients
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients are eligible for the Essential Plan. The Essential Plan covers doctors' visits, hospital care, screenings, prescription medicine, dental and vision benefits, and more with no monthly premium.
DACA recipients are also newly eligible for Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) and Advance Payments of Federal Premium Tax Credits. This expansion provides more options for DACA recipients to access health insurance through the NY State of Health Marketplace. Personal information, including immigration status, will only be used to determine health insurance eligibility. It will remain confidential and will not be shared.
Essential Plan Expands to Cover More New Yorkers
The Essential Plan, a public health insurance program offered through the NY State of Health Marketplace, has expanded to cover more New Yorkers. Individuals with incomes up to $39,125 or those with lower incomes who do not qualify for Medicaid may qualify for the Essential Plan. There is no monthly premium for the Essential Plan.
Expanded Eligibility for Financial Assistance
More New Yorkers now qualify to receive financial assistance to lower the cost of premiums. This assistance applies to current and new enrollees.
New Yorkers who do not qualify for Medicaid, Child Health Plus or the Essential Plan with incomes above $39,125 for individuals or $80,375 for a family of four can qualify to receive financial assistance to lower the cost of premiums.
Health Insurance for Children in the Early Intervention Program
If you have a child in the New York City Early Intervention Program, your child may qualify for Medicaid and other benefits, even if you already have health coverage.
Health Care Access
NYC Care is a program that guarantees low- and no-cost services for residents who do not qualify for or cannot afford health insurance.
Every New Yorker, regardless of their immigration status or ability to pay has the right to quality care. For more information, visit Immigrant Health Care.