
Videoconferencing Policy

Effective Date: July 15, 2022

  1. Source of Authority.These procedures are established by the New York City Districting Commission pursuant to Article 7 of the Public Officers Law § 103-A and as authorized by the adoption of a Resolution pursuant to State Open Meetings Law regarding videoconferencing by the New York City Districting Commission.
  2. Scope. These procedures apply to all public hearings and meetings of the New York City Districting Commission (“Districting Commission”).
  3. Public Attendance. Except for such meetings or portions of meetings that are permitted to be closed to the public pursuant to Article 7 of the Public Officers Law, the public shall be permitted to attend any meeting at the publicly noticed physical location for such meeting.   
  4. Commissioners Remote Attendance. Members of the Districting Commission may attend meetings via videoconferencing due to extraordinary circumstances provided that a quorum is present at the publicly noticed physical location for such meeting.  At a reasonable time before such meeting, the member shall submit the request in writing to the Chair of the Districting Commission providing a general explanation of the extraordinary circumstances.   Extraordinary circumstances shall include disability, illness, caregiving responsibilities, and any other significant or unexpected factor or event which precludes such member’s physical attendance at such meeting at a location that is open to the public. 
  5. If videoconferencing is used to conduct a meeting, then the member that is participating from a remote location that is not open to the public, shall identify their full name on the screen, and whenever possible, ensure that he or she can be heard and seen during their participation in the meeting, including but not limited to any motions, proposals, resolutions, and any other matter formally discussed or voted upon.