Dial 311 or visit 311 Online to report an individual who is living on the streets, or to find prevention/shelter programs near you.
Please call the main number to be directed to the appropriate office.
DHS Main Number
Office of the Commissioner
33 Beaver Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Send an email to the Administrator.
Office of the Ombudsman
109 E 16th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Send an email to the Office of the Ombudsman.
DSS Press Office
Send an email to the DSS Press Office.
Community Relations and Government Affairs Unit
Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity Affairs
33 Beaver Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Send an email to the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity Affairs.
Office of Disability Affairs
If you think you or someone in your family has been discriminated against at DHS because of a disability you may submit a complaint by telephone, letter, or email to:
Jennifer Shaoul
DSS Executive Director of Disability Affairs / Disability Service Facilitator
Department of Homeless Services
150 Greenwich Street, 42nd Floor
New York, NY 10007
Fax: 917-639-0442
Email: disabilityaffairs@dss.nyc.gov
Or you can call the DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399.
Upon request, DSS may provide Letters of Support for community organizations responding to state, federal and philanthropic Requests for Proposals. Learn more about the Letter of Support Request Procedure for External Partners.
The Freedom of Information Law is New York State's principal statute on providing for public access to the records of government.
All Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests to the Department of Homeless Services should be submitted via NYC OpenRecords (nyc.gov/openrecords). Select "Department of Homeless Services (DHS)" from the agency dropdown menu.
DHS' Records Access Officer
Samantha Arena, Esq.
Assistant Deputy General Counsel
150 Greenwich Street
38th Floor
New York, NY 10007
DHS' Records Appeals Officer
Ann Marie Scalia, Esq.
Records Appeals Officer
150 Greenwich Street
38th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Questions about specific requests should also be made through NYC OpenRecords by using the "Contact the Agency" link available on every request page.
Please note that individual client records or information are confidential and are not available under FOIL. Such requests must be accompanied by an authorization or other appropriate documentation. See instructions in below Request for Client Records section.
In accordance with NY CPLR section 308(2), subpoenas and legal process must be served via the DSS* Office of Legal Affairs subpoena window located at 150 Greenwich Steet, New York, NY 10007, 38th Floor. Service must be completed at this location in person or in the manner required by applicable law or order of the court. The subpoena window is open Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, excluding holidays.
*DSS is comprised of the NYC Human Resources Administration and the NYC Department of Homeless Services.
When requesting your own records or requesting information on another’s behalf**, the request must be submitted along with a signed authorization form. The signature on the form must be notarized for identity verification purposes.
If you are submitting a request for DHS case files or a shelter history letter, please fill out and submit the DHS Record Release Authorization Form ( Espanol |العربية | বাংলা | français | Kreyol ayisyen | 한국어 | polski | Русский | 简体 | 繁體 | اردو ). Requests and forms should be submitted via email to RECORDSACCESS@dhs.nyc.gov. When submitting these types of requests, please make sure you supply enough information to assist us with searching for the requested records (name, date of birth, etc.). Please also provide the relevant time period for the requested records.
**Note that if you are signing an authorization form or requesting records or information on another’s behalf, you must also submit valid proof of authority to do so. Examples include but are not limited to a valid Power of Attorney, Letters of Administration, Guardianship Commission papers, etc.
Please be aware that information concerning former and current DHS clients is confidential pursuant to federal, state, and local law. The Agency generally cannot provide client information, including whether or not an individual is currently in shelter, without proof from a requestor of authority to access information in the form of a completed authorization signed by the client, Power of Attorney, Letters of Administration, Guardianship Commission papers, etc. Please submit requests and required documentation to RECORDSACCESS@dhs.nyc.gov.
When submitting your request, please include enough information to assist us with searching our records, such as name and date of birth of the individual. If you do not have proof of authority to access confidential information, we may still be able to assist you by passing on your contact information to DHS management in the event the individual is currently in shelter.