Contact Us

Aging Connect

Aging Connect is the New York City Department for the Aging’s information and referral contact center for older adults and their families. Callers are referred to resources, services and opportunities in their community. Call 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469) to speak with an aging specialist.

Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
For questions outside of Aging Connect hours of operation, call 311.

NYC Aging welcomes your feedback, comments, and questions.
Contact Commissioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez


NYC Aging attends community fairs and gives free presentations on caregiving, health and wellness, Medicare, the Grandparent Resource Center, the NY Connects program, emergency preparedness, and more. Contact the outreach team to request a presentation.

Media Inquiries

For all press and media inquiries, please email the NYC Aging’s Press and Public Information Office at

Letters of Support

Any entities looking to request letters of support from NYC Aging should submit the inquiry through our Contact Aging Connect - NYC Aging page.

Language Access

Contact Sandy March, Language Access Coordinator, by sending a message through the Contact Us form

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Requests

Logo for Open Records

All Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests to NYC Aging should be submitted via NYC OpenRecords ( Select Department for the Aging from the agency dropdown menu. Please indicate the nature, content, and date of the record in sufficient detail to enable its identification.

Department for the Aging Records Access Officer: 
Christine Lai 
Senior Agency Counsel
2 Lafayette Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10007

Questions about specific requests should also be made through NYC OpenRecords by using the “Contact the Agency” link available on every request page.

Department for the Aging Records Appeals Officer:
Jessica Rickards
Deputy General Counsel
2 Lafayette Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10007