Sample Bill

Page 1 of sample bill with Billing Summary, Billing Information, Water Use, Message Center, Contact Us, and Payment Slip highlighted.
  1. Billing Summary
    This is a snapshot of your bill, including your previous balance, payments you have made, new charges or credits, and the date your payment is due. For more information about your water and sewer bill, visit Billing FAQs.
  2. Billing Information
    For easy reference, the key details about your account can be found here, including your account number, amount due, payment due date, and your Borough, Block, and Lot (BBL) number.
  3. Water Use
    On each bill, you’ll see a graph that shows how much water you consumed in each season, which you can use to track any changes in your water usage. This information can help you find ways to save water and money, or detect leaks.
  4. Message Center
    Offers, bill adjustments or corrections, and other service notices may appear here and may continue on the next page.
  5. Contact Us
    Here’s how to reach us if you have a question or concern about your bill, meter, or water usage. For more information, visit Customer Service.
  6. Payment Slip
    This should be returned with your check or money order payment, if you are paying by mail or in person.
Page 2 of sample bill, with Activation Token, Bill Details, and Ways to Pay Your Bill highlighted.
  1. Activation Token
    If you want to view and pay your bill online instead of by mail or in person, you can use this code to set up a new My DEP Account. Do not share this code, it is unique to your account and could allow others to access your personal information.
  2. Bill Details
    More information about prior charges, payments, fees, and total amount due, can be found here. In this section, you can also view your water meter readings, which is what we use to determine how much you are charged for the water you use and the wastewater you produce. For more information about your meter, visit Water Meter FAQs.
  3. Ways to Pay Your Bill
    Choose the most convenient way to pay your bill. For more information, visit How to Pay.