Fast Food Workers

NYC's Fair Workweek Law

DCWP enforces NYC’s Fair Workweek Law, which protects fast food workers. Under the law, fast food employers in NYC:

  • Must give workers regular schedules that stay the same week-to-week
  • Must give workers work schedules 14 days in advance of the start of the schedule
  • Must pay premiums for schedule changes or clopenings
  • Must give workers a chance to say no to extra work or to clopenings
  • Must give current workers the opportunity to work more regular hours before hiring new employees
  • Cannot fire or reduce the hours of a worker by more than 15% without just cause or a legitimate business reason
  • Must reinstate laid off employees by seniority when hours become available

Notice of Rights

Fast food employers must post the notice, NYC FAST FOOD WORKERS’ RIGHTS, where employees can easily see it at each NYC workplace. Note: Employers must also post the notice in any language that is the primary language of at least 5 percent of the workers at the workplace if available below. Download a copy (updated June 2023) in:

Fair Workweek Law in Fast Food: Frequently Asked Questions

Read Fair Workweek Law in Fast Food: Frequently Asked Questions (Updated 9/15/2023)

File a Complaint or Ask a Question

Note: Workers can request to resolve their complaints through binding arbitration by a DCWP administered panel of arbitrators. To resolve through binding arbitration a worker must submit an Arbitration Demand on the fast food employer. Download Arbitration Demand Form.

Law and Rules

New York City Administrative Code > Title 20: Consumer and Worker Protection > Chapter 12: Fair Work Practices

Rules of the City of New York > Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection > Chapter 7: Office of Labor Policy and Standards > Subchapter F: Fair Workweek

Webinar in DCWP 101 Series

On October 30, 2023, DCWP held a free webinar to give a presentation on NYC's Fair Workweek Law, including:

  • Fast food employer responsibilities and worker rights
  • Available resources for employers
  • Q&A

Watch video

Fast Food Employer Tools

Download Progressive Discipline Policies: What Fast Food Employers Need to Know.

Download Template Termination and Hours Reduction Notices in Word format:

For more information, visit the Fast Food Employer Tools page.