In June 2022, DCWP launched a public awareness campaign to raise awareness about NYC’s Fair Workweek Law, which protects workers in the fast food and retail industries. The campaign includes ads in the city’s solar recycling kiosks, movie theaters, malls, point-of-sale screens in stores, as well as in in community and ethnic newspapers, on radio and online.
Fast food workers: Know your rights.
Fast food employers: Know your responsibilties.
Retail workers: Know your rights.
Retail employers: Know your responsibilities.
Download campaign ads in: English | Español (Spanish) | العربية (Arabic) | বাংলা (Bengali) | 中文 - 简化字 (Chinese - Simplified) | 中文 - 繁體字 (Chinese - Traditional) | Français (French) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (Haitian Creole) | 한국어 (Korean) | Język Polski (Polish) | Русский (Russian) | ردو (Urdu)