The Top 8 Things Public Servants Need to Know about Second Jobs


1. Public servants may not seek jobs (including submitting a resume, exploring job opportunities, and interviewing) with a company or not-for-profit when they are currently dealing with that company or not-for-profit as part of their City work.

2. Full-time public servants may not work for any company or not-for-profit organization that has "business dealings" with any City agency, unless they receive written permission from their agency head and the Board.

3. Most part-time public servants may not work for any company or not-for-profit organization that has business dealings with their City agency unless they receive written permission from their agency head and the Board.

4. It is the public servant's responsibility to figure out whether the company or not-for-profit organization where they might work has City business dealings. That can be found out by checking the Doing Business Database or

5. A public servant can request written permission to work for a company or not-for-profit organization that has business dealings (also called a “waiver”) by using the Waiver Form or by contacting their agency’s Ethics Liaison. If the agency supports the waiver request, it will forward the request to the Board for final approval.

6. A public servant may not use any amount of City time or City resources (including a City computer, email account, phone, or vehicle) for any outside job or private business.

7. Public servants do not need waivers to work for governmental or certain quasi-governmental entities such as the State University of New York, the City University of New York, the United States Postal Service, or local, state, and federal governments or their agencies. However, public servants working for those entities may not use any amount of City time or City resources (including a City computer, email account, phone, or vehicle) as part of that work.

8. Full-time public servants may not make any compensated communications with any City agencies, including communications made as part of a second job. Part-time public servants may not make any compensated communications with their City agency.


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