Following the completion of the Emergency Backup Power System installation, Department inspections are required. Based on the type of Emergency Backup Power System, the following inspections may be required:
Plumbing – plumbing and gas work
Fuel oil storage (Boiler Unit)
Final electrical inspection
Final construction inspection for sign-off
An Inspector verifies that the field conditions match the approved documents for both installation of panels and equipment. An Inspector also confirms that the equipment is installed per the electrical diagram, which includes connection to the main electric service panel. For plumbing work, the Contractor may self-certify in lieu of a DOB inspection
The Department’s online portal for scheduling appointments for required DOB inspections must be used. DOB NOW provides robust online accounts, making it easier to submit applications, make payments, schedule appointments, check the status of an application or inspection, pull permits, and make renewals.
Emergency Backup Power installations require, per the Building Code, that certain Special and Progress Inspections be performed during and at the end of construction; see the table below. Prior to Approval, the Applicant is required to identify all required Special and Progress Inspections. Prior to DOB permit issuance, the Owner must engage a registered Special Inspection Agency (SIA) who takes responsibility for the Special and Progress Inspections. Applicants may perform these inspections if they are also registered as a SIA.
Based on the scope of work, emergency power project may be required to comply with the following Special and Progress Inspection requirements:
Chimneys |
New and altered chimneys shall be subject to special inspection. The chimney shall be inspected to verify code compliance, and proper clearance or isolation from adjacent combustible construction. Testing of the chimney shall be performed in accordance with Section 810 of the New York City Mechanical Code and Section 503.5.6 of the New York City Fuel Gas Code. Special inspection of seismic bracing shall be performed in accordance with Section 1707.7 (BC 1704.26) |
Emergency Power Systems |
Emergency and standby power systems shall be installed in accordance with the New York City Electrical Code, NFPA 110 and NFPA 111 (BC 2702). |
Fire Resistant Penetrations and Joints BC 1704.27 |
Special Inspection required for through-penetrations, membrane penetration firestops, fire resistant joint systems, and perimeter fire barrier systems that are tested and listed in accordance with BC Sections 713., 713.4.1.2, 714.3 and 714.4 shall comply. |
Fire Resistant Penetrations and Joists |
Special Inspections for penetration of fire-resistant elements and assemblies; and related firestops in accordance with Sections 1704.27.1 and 1704.27.2. |
Fire Resistance Rated Construction |
Fire resistance rated partitions, floors, ceilings, shafts and fire shutters shall be inspected to determine compliance with the approved Construction Documents (BC 110.3.4). |
Flood Zone Compliance (if applicable) BC 1704.29 and BC G105 |
If the building is in a special flood hazard zone, a Special Inspection Agency must ensure construction complies with Appendix G of the NYC Building Code, locating all new equipment (excluding the AC disconnect) above the DFE (Design Flood Elevation). |
Fuel-Oil Storage and Fuel-Oil Piping Systems |
Fuel-oil storage equipment, including tanks, pumps, valves, transfer, return, fill and vent piping, hangers and bracing, fill and vent terminals, and related systems regulated by Section 1308 of the New York City Mechanical Code, shall be inspected for conformance with the approved Construction Documents and the manufacturers’ installation standards. Testing of fuel storage tanks and piping shall be performed in accordance with Section 1308 of the New York City Mechanical Code. Special inspection of seismic bracing shall be performed in accordance with Section 1707.7 (BC 1704.17). |
Mechanical System |
Tests of mechanical systems shall be performed in accordance with Sections 507.16, 1011, 1108 and 1208 of the New York City Mechanical Code (BC 1704.16). |
Sprayed Fire Resistant Materials |
Special Inspections for sprayed fire resistant materials applied to floor, roof and wall assemblies and structural members shall be in accordance with Sections 1704.11.1 through 1704.11.7. |
Structural Safety – Structural Stability |
Alteration of existing structural systems or elements, such as columns, girders, beams, bearing walls – where the stability or integrity of a structural system is to be temporarily diminished, in accordance with Sections 1704.20.6 through 1704.20.10. |
Structural Steel (steel welding - high strength bolting - cold formed steel) |
The special inspections of new installations and alterations to existing installations of steel elements in buildings and structures shall be as required by Section 1704.3 and Table 1704.3. Where required, special inspection of steel shall also comply with Section 1716 (BC 1704.3). |