Please be sure to follow the Bronx Community Board 10 Facebook Page (@BronxCommunityBoard10) for more information in real time.
Community Board 10 is receiving all comments and opinions about the Brucker Boulevard application via email and phone. If you wish to attend a meeting, please contact the Board Office or view our Calendar on the Calendar tab.
Updatye: 05/04/2023: NYC Government Hiring Hall in the South Bronx
View or download the flyer in English.
View or download the flyer in Spanish.
Update: 03/07/2023: New York Yankees Community Council Youth Leadership Award
Please know that only High School Seniors may apply and they must live within Community Board 10. Community Board 10 services City Island, Co-op City, Pelham Bay, Throggs Neck, Waterbury Lasalle and Westchester Square. If you have any questions, please contact us at either (718) 892-1161 or via e-mail at We recommend that completed applications be submitted via e-mail under the subject "New York Yankees Community Council Youth Leadership Award.
View or Download the New York Yankees Community Council Youth Leadership Award Application
Bronx CB #10 willl be holding a Public Hearing on a special permit application before the NYC Board of Standards and Appeals regarding 3341 Country Club Road on August 6 at 7PM at Providence Rest.
Bruckner Access Project Presentation. NYS DOT presented to CB #10 on 4/10/19.
READNYC, a United Way of New York City Program, and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, are offering to provide free monthly books to children from birth until their fifth birthday. To register for this program please complete a registration form and return it via mail or in person to Bronx Community Board #10, 3165 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, New York 10461, or via email, Please note "ReadNYC Program" in the subject line of your email.
DEP is shutting down the Catskill Aqueduct, one of two large aqueducts that provides water from reservoirs in the Catskills, for the next 10 weeks for a long-planned infrastructure project to upgrade the aqueduct. Water from the Croton System usually accounts for 10 percent of the drinking water distributed to neighborhoods in New York City, but that has been temporarily increased of late to account for approximately 20-30 percent of the City’s drinking water.
Croton water is very high-quality, but it’s different from our reservoirs in the Catskills in a few ways. The geology around the Croton system allows the water to pick up more naturally-occurring minerals, which means the water can be a bit more hard. This also makes it taste better to some people. Croton water is also filtered, which means it passes through a very fine sand that removes impurities from the water.
There are no issues with our water supply. We perform hundreds of tests each day in the reservoir, the aqueduct, the treatment plant, and at nearly 1,000 street-side sampling stations throughout the City. All of those tests show that the water meets or exceeds regulatory limits – in short, the water is very high quality. The earthy/salty taste that people may be experiencing is a chemical change in the water, but not one that poses any threat to health.
NYC Department of Finance is requiring that all homeowners who have Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemptions (SCHE) or the Disabled Homeowner's Exemption, (DHE), Must Re-Register to continue the exemptions for the 2020-2012 tax year. You will receive a recertification/renewal form IF it is your cycle to register. If you do not register, those exemptions will be removed for the 2020-2021 tax year.
Letters will be mailed to homeowners from the Dept. of Finance during the year. Please Be Sure to Open Any Letters from The Dept. Of Finance, and follow the instructions so that your exemptions can continue.
For new applicants, the deadline to apply for the 2020-2021 tax year is March 15, 2020. You can be 64 in the year 2019 and must be 65 in the year 2020 to be eligible. Call 718-892-1161 for additional information.
In New York City, residential property owners are responsible for the maintenance of the service lines connecting their properties to the City's water main or sewer lines. If this line is broken or damaged, it is the responsibility of the owner to hire a New York City Licensed Master Plumber to effectuate the repairs. This is a very expensive proposition, sometimes costing thousands of dollars. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection is offering an insurance program for the repair of these lines with American Water Resources. DEP's customers will pay $4.49 per month for the protection of the water line and $8.47 per month for the protection of the sewer line. Customers who choose to join this voluntary program can insure both the water and sewer lines, or just one or the other. Additional information can be obtained by contacting 888-300-3570 or by visiting the American Water Resources website.
An HRA representative from the above program is at the Board Office on the third Thursday of every month from 10 AM-3 PM. Call CB #10 for more information at 718-892-1161.