
Rulemaking 2016

(Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment)

Letter from Legal Aid Society re Continuing Violation (January 31, 2018)

Action Calendar (Sections Effective January 2, 2017) -- Elimination of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment in Correctional Facilities
Action Calendar (Section Effective Varying Dates) -- Elimination of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment in Correctional Facilities

Final Rule Package (Published November 10, 2016)

  • On November 15, 2016 at its public meeting, the Board voted to adopt a final rule designed to detect, prevent and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment of persons incarcerated in jails and other facilities operated by the Department of Correction.
  • Press Release

Written Comments
All written comments received by the Board are available for review by the public.

July 26, 2016 Public Hearing – Additional Information

What are we proposing?
The Board of Correction (the “Board”) is proposing rules designed to detect, prevent and
respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment of persons incarcerated in jails and other
facilities operated by the Department of Correction.

When and where is the hearing?
The Board of Correction will hold a public hearing on the proposed rules. The public hearing will
take place at 1:00 p.m. on July 26, 2016. The hearing will be held at 125 Worth Street, Second
Floor Auditorium, New York, New York, 10013.

How do I comment on the proposed rules?
Anyone can comment on the proposed rules by:
Website. You can submit comments to the Board of Correction through the NYC Rules
Website at
Email. You can email comments to the Board of Correction at
Mail. You can mail comments to the Board of Correction, Attn: Bennett Stein, 1 Centre
Street, Room 2213, New York, NY 10007.
Fax. You can fax comments to the Board of Correction at 212-669-7980.
By Speaking at the Hearing. Anyone who wants to comment on the proposed rules at the
public hearing must sign up to speak. You can sign up before the hearing by calling 212-
669-7900. You can also sign up in the hearing room before the session begins at 1:00 p.m.
on July 26, 2016.

Is there a deadline to submit comments?
Yes, you must submit comments by the close of business on August 31, 2016 (this is an extension of the original July 26, 2016 deadline).

Do you need assistance to participate in the Hearing?
Please tell the Board of Correction if you need a reasonable accommodation of a disability at the Hearing. Please tell us if you need a sign language interpreter. You can tell us by mail at the address given above. You may also tell us by telephone at 212-669-7900. Please tell us by the close of business on July 19, 2016.


Board Voted to Publish Proposed Rules – June 14, 2016

The Board of Correction posts Proposed Rules designed to detect, prevent and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment of persons incarcerated in jails and other facilities operated by the Department of Correction. The Proposed Rules are responsive to a petition from the Public Advocate received in April 2015.

The Board plans to discuss and vote on these Proposed Rules at its Board meeting on June 14, 2016.

If the Board votes to propose these Rules, they will be published in the City Record. Members of the public will have the opportunity to submit written comments on the Proposed Rules and a public hearing will be held on July 26 at 1:00 p.m. at 125 Worth Street, New York, NY 10013 - Second Floor Auditorium. At the hearing, members of the public will have the opportunity to make oral comments. After this notice and comment period, the Board may make changes to the Proposed Rules and will then vote on whether to adopt Final Rules.

Proposed Rule (with certifications of NYC Law Department and Mayor's Office of Operations)

Petition Received April 8, 2015

On April 8, 2015, the Board of Correction received a petition for rulemaking from the Public Advocate, concerning sexual abuse and sexual harassment in New York City jails.