Board Staff

Margaret Egan

Margaret Egan is the Executive Director of the New York City Board of Correction, which establishes and ensures compliance with minimum standards regulating the conditions of confinement and correctional health and mental health care in the City's jails, including Riker's Island. One of the oldest permanent correctional oversight agencies in the country, the Board monitors conditions in the City's jails, addresses issues related to safety and health care of people in custody, evaluates the performance of the Department of Correction, reviews person in custody and employee grievances, and makes recommendations in areas of correctional planning.

Prior to this role, Margaret Egan served as Vice Chancellor for Human Resources as well as Director of Strategic Initiatives at CUNY, managing an administrative and academic restructuring to bring CUNY's core functions to best in class, making the university more efficient and effective. During that time, she also oversaw the CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance's (ISLG) work, developing systemic reforms for the New York City Department of Correction, including ISLG's work with the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform. Prior to joining ISLG, she was the Assistant Secretary for public safety to Governor Cuomo when she supported the Governor's public safety portfolio management efforts, and supervised agency operations and implementation of the governor's priorities for the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, the Division of Criminal Justice Service, and the New York State Police, among others.

Previously, Egan served as the Director of Policy & Government Affairs to Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, overseeing intergovernmental affairs for the Sheriff as well as the development and implementation of a number of interventions to reduce the jail population and improve outcomes for those involved in the criminal justice system. She also led efforts to reduce illegal gun trafficking and oversaw the Sheriff's work to reduce evictions throughout Cook County. Margaret also served as the Acting Director of the Cook County Justice Advisory Council, developing criminal justice reform and violence reduction strategies for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. She served on Mayor Rahm Emanuel's public safety transition team and the advisory committee to the Mayor's Public Safety Action Committee, as well as Mayor de Blasio's Behavioral Health Task Force.

Egan is an attorney, with a J.D. from Loyola University Chicago, Master's degrees from Northwestern University and the University of Chicago, and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin.