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Request a Child Care Transfer Voucher

Parents with a current ACS voucher (CFWB-049) can change to any other ACS approved provider at any time by requesting a transfer voucher. Please complete the form below if your child is currently enrolled with an ACS voucher (CFWB-049) and you wish to change where your child is enrolled. ACS will review your entry and email you a new voucher within five days for each child you enter. You will also receive a voucher enrollment package with instructions on how to complete your enrollment. You will be contacted if there are any questions; please do not resubmit transfer requests, as duplicate requests can delay the transfer process.

If you are due for recertification of your eligibility for ACS child care assistance, a voucher cannot be issued until you complete your recertification. The recertification forms are available here. You must submit a new transfer voucher request after your recertification is completed.

To submit a completed voucher, use the ACS Voucher Enrollment Portal.

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