Teens Take on COVID

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Fun & Safe Activities to Do At Home
Education Support
Your Health During COVID-19
Mental Health Services
LGBTQIA Health and Mental Health Resources
Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment
Help Using Telehealth Services
Family or Relationship Violence
Suicide Prevention
Child Trafficking
Family Planning Options
Teen Parent Support
Housing Support
ACS Resources for Youth
Fun & Safe Activities to Do At Home

Want free access to NBA league pass? How about free practice for the SAT or HSE? Or is a Mario Kart tournament more your speed? Trying to stay fit and want a free subscription to a workout app?
- The Department of Youth & Community Development has several services that are available for youth, adults, and families! Check out the opportunities here, and sign up for the activities that interest you. Text (347) 349-4361 to get updates directly to your phone. You can also follow them on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter at @NYCyouth to get the most up-to-date announcements via social media.
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Education Support
Please visit the Department of Education (DOE)'s website for the latest information about the 2022-2023 school year, including health and safety measures, and learning models that will be available.
- New York Public Library is offering free online homework help from one-on-one tutors, daily from 2-11 PM. Available in English and Spanish, from early elementary through high school grades, in core subject areas. Video content and other resources are also available 24 hours a day. Log in with your library card number for access here.
- discoverDYCD allows you to search for afterschool programs, educational services, jobs and internships, community service, housing support, immigrant services, and regional enrichment centers near you.
- YCteen publishes real stories, written by teens, on topics that are important to young people. You can learn more and read the stories here.
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Your Health During COVID-19

While community spread of COVID-19 has declined, it is still important that you take measures to stay safe. You can get up-to-date information, including about vaccines from New York City's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) to keep you and your family safe and healthy. They are posting lots of guidance and NYC case data about this illness (please follow this link for translated DOHMH guidance). You can text "COVID" to 692-692 to receive updates by text message.
Need Health Services?
During the COVID-19 public health crisis, it's especially important you get the medical assistance you need.
- Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center: Delivers comprehensive, integrated medical and mental health services and prevention education to young people aged 10 to 22. It offers primary health care, counseling, support, mental health and family therapy, sexual and reproductive health, dental care, nutrition, and fitness and wellness programs. The center is open Monday through Saturday. Visit online or call 212-423-3000.
- For more information about health services that are available to teens, please see: Generation NYC Doctors & Insurance.
Stay Up-to-Date with Health Information
New York City is currently experiencing community transmission of a new type of respiratory infection known as COVID-19. You can get up-to-date information from New York City's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) to keep you and your family safe and healthy. They are posting lots of guidance and NYC case data about this illness (please follow this link for translated DOHMH guidance). You can text "COVID" to 692-692 to receive updates by text message.
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is an inflammatory response to a prior SARS-CoV-2 infection. Patients with MIS-C reported to the New York City (NYC) Department of Health and Mental Hygiene have ranged in age from infancy to young adulthood. Most MIS-C patients present with fever, laboratory evidence of inflammation, and multisystem abnormalities which are usually not respiratory in nature. Rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, and/or diarrhea are common symptoms. MIS-C is a rare but serious inflammatory condition, such as Kawasaki disease or toxic shock syndrome.
Very sick children with a possible MIS-C case should be referred to the emergency department (ED) of the children's hospital where they typically obtain care, or to the closest ED where care by pediatric subspecialists is available, when possible. Children with an illness potentially compatible with MIS-C who seem to be doing well and do not meet criteria for ED referral initially should be follow-up solely by their pediatrician.
Please visit DOHMH's website for more information (including translated materials).
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Mental Health Services
Need to talk to a someone? Do you need help handling stress, depression, anxiety or family struggles? Help is available.
- Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center: Delivers comprehensive, integrated medical and mental health services and prevention education to young people aged 10 to 22. It offers counseling, support, mental health and family therapy. The center is open Monday through Saturday. Visit online or call 212-423-3000
- NYC Well: NYC Well is your connection to free, confidential mental health support. Get access to mental health and substance use services in more than 200 languages, 24/7/365. Help is available through phone, text or chat! Call 1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355), text WELL to 65173 or chat online.
- Citywide Mental Health Telehealth Services: For citywide mental health services available by phone click here.
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LGBTQIA Health and Mental Health Resources
- Ali Forney Center: For a full assessment of your physical and mental health needs visit Ali Forney Center or call from home at 212-206-0574
- The Center provides LGBTQ young people and allies ages 13-21 with community support to foster healthy development in a safe, affirming, sex-positive, alcohol- and drug-free environment offering activities such as exercise classes, poetry reading, and community discussion (see calendar). They also offer outpatient substance use treatment to specifically address the needs of LGBTQ+ youth, and the factors that place them at higher risk for substance use. For more information click here or email recovery@gaycenter.org or call 212-620-7310 OR 646-556-9300.
- Housing Works: Specializes in serving young gay men of color, young men who have sex with men (YMSM), MSM and transgender people of color, of any age, active drug users, LGBTQ youth, and the homeless or unstably housed. Visit Housing Works or call from home at
(347) 473-7400
- Trevor Project: A national 24-hour, toll free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQIA youth. Trained counselors are available to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline now at 1-866-488-7386 or visit Trevor Project.
- Trans Lifeline: Trans Lifeline offers peer support and can help you access the many emergency funds and mutual aid resources arising locally and nationally. Contact them at
- NYC Unity Project Citywide LGBTQ + COVID-19 Guide: For up to date information on over 100 LGBTQ+ affirming programs and services still available virtually and in-person across NYC, visit the NYC Unit Project's LGBTQ + COVID-19 Resource Guide
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Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment
If you think you have a problem with substance abuse or addiction, find an adult you trust to talk to. If you can't talk to your parents or another supportive adult, help is available.
- Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center: Has a dedicated team of social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists which serve youth ages 10-24 dealing with substance abuse issues, regardless of their ability to pay. The center is open Monday through Saturday. Visit online or call 212-423-3000.
- NY Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS): Addiction treatment and recovery services continue to be available during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you need to talk or are worried that you will go into withdrawal or relapse, OASAS-certified or funded providers across New York State are available via phone/video or from a safe distance in person. For 24/7 help with addiction, substance use, or gambling, call 877-846-7369, text HOPENY (467369), or visit OASAS to read more.
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Help Using Telehealth Services
Telehealth is when you get healthcare or therapy over your phone, tablet, or computer, instead of meeting with your social service provider, advocate, or healthcare provider in person. During COVID-19, many people are accessing services through telehealth to help lower the risk of spreading or getting the virus.
Check out these Telehealth Tips, which were developed by New York City families and service providers to answer common questions and help you get the most from your telehealth appointments. You will find information about setting up your technology, preparing for a virtual session, and more. This resource is available in eleven languages.
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Family or Relationship Violence
Social distancing shouldn't mean social isolation. Often young people who are abused are afraid to report it. If you or someone you know is being abused, help is available.
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Suicide Prevention
If you're having thoughts of suicide, tell someone you trust like a friend, parent, teacher, coach or counselor. You're not in this alone. Help is available.
- For immediate crisis assistance available 24/7, call The National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255
- To text with a counselor for free, text VOICE to 20121
- For more ways to ask for help visit Your Life Your Voice
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Child Trafficking
If you are being trafficked or trading sex to survive, there is help. Here are resources to help you get into a safer, more stable place.
- National Human Trafficking Hotline: Open 24/7/365 to all youth.
Call 888-373-7888, text 233733, or read more.
- NYPD Special Victims/Human Trafficking Hotline: Open 24/7/365 to all youth.
Call 646-610-7272
- Safe Horizon: Call the 24-hour hotline if you need help, 1-800-621-4673.
- Covenant House: Crisis Counseling and emergency housing for youth 16 to 21.
Call 212-613-0300 or visit Covenant House.
- Day One: Individual services for exploited and trafficked males & females, and intimate dating violence, training: Call 212-566-8120, Ext. 5692 or email socialworker@dayoneny.org
- GEMS: Girls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS) in New York City provides services including short-term and crisis care, court advocacy, transitional and supportive housing, and case management. Call 212-926-8089
- Tattoo Removal for Trafficked or Gang involved Youth: Email: tattoo.removal@acs.nyc.gov
- If you're in immediate danger, call 911.
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Bullying can be physical, verbal, social, or online (cyber bullying). It can be a horrible experience and have serious consequences. If you're being bullied, know that it's not your fault. Tell a trusted adult what's going on. Talk to your parents, teachers, coaches, school principal or counselor.
- Read more information on how to deal with bullying or call 212-423-3000 Monday through Saturday.
- For NYC Department of Education students, get more information on how to report student-to-student discrimination, intimidation, harassment, including sexual harassment and/or bullying by visiting the DOE's information page.
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Family Planning Options
- Planned Parenthood Affiliates of NYC: For wellness exams, birth control, prenatal care, sexually transmitted infection testing, PEP, LBGTQIA health, PrEP, abortion procedures and select other service find a Planned Parenthood center near you. Call 1-800-230-PLAN or book an appointment online.
- New York-Presbyterian's Family Planning Practice: The Family Planning Center for adult and adolescent women through age 45 and the Young Men's Clinic for males ages 14-35. Offering phone, video and in-person medical care. Call: 212-305-9321
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Teen Parent Support
Being a teen parent is not easy, and challenges can become magnified by the Coronavirus. For teen parenting support, see the following:
- The Teen Parent Program at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center is here to help make things easier. Their goal is to make sure you and your baby are healthy by providing you with high quality medical services, social work services, psychological services, and nutrition information. All services are free of charge and confidential. Visit online or call Monday through Saturday at: 212-423-3000
- Even when the Center is closed, an on-call pediatrician is available by phone, 24 hours a day. Just call 212-423-3000 and ask for the on-call pediatrician.
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Housing Support
- The NYC Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) funds emergency housing and transitional living programs for Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY). You can find out more about RHY programs here.
- Covenant House: open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide housing and support services to young people in need. Visit online or call 212-613-0300.
- The Door: Offers housing and support services for young people in need, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Email Jazzy Smith at jasmith@door.org for more information.
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ACS Resources for Youth
For youth currently in foster care, those who have recently discharged to independent living, or youth receiving other ACS services, we know that this is a challenging time when you may need extra support. There are lots of people who can help you, including your agency case planner and teams of specialists at ACS who can work with you on anything from getting your important documents, housing, job readiness, and education. Please visit the Youth section of our website or ask your agency case planner for more information. If you are not sure who to talk to, please contact the ACS Office of Advocacy for help and information.
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