Administration for Children's Services311Search all websites

Data & Analysis

Here you will find the most recent ACS reports with a variety of statistics. For earlier reports, visit the Reports Archive.

Agency-Wide Reports
Child Welfare
Juvenile Justice
External Links

Agency-Wide Reports

Monthly Flash Indicators: This report provides graphs showing monthly trends in numerous child welfare, child care, and juvenile justice statistics, such as children using vouchers for childcare, child protective caseloads, and the number of admissions to detention.

Annual Community District Snapshots CY 2022: These reports provide community district child welfare, child care, and juvenile justice statistics.

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Child Welfare

Abuse/Neglect Reports: This table displays the annual number of investigations and indication rate by Community District over the last six years.

NYC Child Welfare Indicators Report: Current Quarterly Report (Q1 2024), Annual Report 2023. These reports, in compliance with Local Law 20 of 2006 passed by the New York City Council in 2006, includes data on child welfare indicators, such as staff caseloads, investigations, and reunifications, for the most recent quarter and calendar year.

ACS Annual Child Fatality Review Report: Calendar Year 2022: In compliance with Local Law 19 of 2018, ACS publishes an annual report on its child fatality reviews. Reports are published 18 months after the end of each calendar year and are required to be posted on the ACS website.

Demographics of Children and Parents at Steps in the Child Welfare System: Fiscal Year 2023: In compliance with Local Law 132 of 2021, ACS publishes an annual report of the demographics (such as race/ethnicity) of children and parents at steps in the child welfare system (such as indication and referral to prevention services).

Local Law 41 of 2016 Annual Report: 2023: As required by NYC Local Law 23 of 2012, updated to Local Law 41 in 2017, ACS and DYCD are required to submit annual reports documenting the number of commercially sexually exploited children (CSEC) and the services available.

Prevention Services

  • Children Served in Preventive Services: This table displays the annual number of children who received child welfare preventive services by Community District in calendar year 2023.
  • New Preventive Cases: This table displays the annual number of new child welfare preventive cases by Community District in calendar year 2023.
  • Report on Preventive Services Utilization (Q1 2024): In compliance with Local Law 11 passed by the New York City Council in 2018, ACS submits quarterly reports on preventive services utilization to the Council. This report is also required to be posted on the ACS website.
  • Prevention Services Family Experience Survey 2023: In compliance with Local Law 17 of 2018, ACS submits this annual report of family experiences in prevention services, based on responses to an annual survey.

Foster Care

  • Placement Statistics (2023): This table displays the annual number of foster care placements by Community District.
  • Foster Care Statistics: This table displays the number of youth in foster care on 12/31/2023 by Community District.
  • FY21 Foster Care Scorecard: The Foster Care Scorecard is an annual summary of the performance of foster care programs serving New York City’s youth and families.
  • Report on Youth in Foster Care (2023): In compliance with Local Law 145 passed by the New York City Council in 2014 and amended in 2017, ACS submits an annual report on youth in foster care to the Council. This report is also required to be posted on the ACS website.
  • High School Graduation Rates of Youth in Foster Care (2023): In compliance with Local Law 147 passed by the New York City Council in 2016, ACS submits an annual report on high school graduation rates of youth in foster care to the Council. This report is also required to be posted on the ACS website.
  • Government-Issued Personal Identification for Youth in Foster Care (2023): In compliance with Local Law 141 passed by the New York City Council in 2016, ACS submits an annual report on government issued personal identification for youth in foster care to the Council. This report is also required to be posted on the ACS website.
  • Educational Continuity of Children in Foster Care (School Year 2022-2023): In compliance with Local Law 142 passed by the New York City Council in 2016, ACS submits an annual report on educational continuity and school attendance rates of children in foster care. This report is also required to be posted on the ACS website.
  • Use of Psychiatric Medication by Children in Foster Care: In compliance with Local Law 34 of 2022, ACS submits quarterly reports and annual reports regarding the use of psychiatric medication by children in foster care. Current/first quarterly report (Q3 of FY2024) and Annual Report 2023.
  • Youth Experience Survey (2024): In compliance with Local Law 146 of 2016, ACS conducts an annual survey of all youth in foster care age 13 and older, regarding their experiences in foster care. ACS submits this report with findings from the survey to the New York City Council. This report is also required to be posted on the ACS website.
  • ACS Foster Care 5 Year Plan FY2024 - FY2028 - Pursuant to Local Law 143 of 2016, ACS develops 5 year plans to address barriers to permanency for children in foster care.
  • ACS Foster Care Five-Year Plan Progress Report FY2023 (January 2024): In compliance with Local Law 143 of 2016, ACS produces an annual update regarding the Five-Year Plan to address barriers to permanency for children in foster care.
  • Interagency Foster Care Task Force
  • LGBTQAI+ Youth in Foster Care Action Plan: A multi-pronged action plan that builds on the agency’s ongoing work to improve outcomes for LGBTQAI+ youth in foster care and help strengthen the agency’s policies and practices.
  • ACS-DYCD Annual Report Regarding Sexually Exploited Youth (Calendar Year 2023): In compliance with Local Law 41 passed by the New York City Council in 2016, ACS and DYCD submit a yearly report to the Council regarding youth who are in contact with DYCD’s Runaway and Homeless Youth services or ACS, and who self-report, are referred as or later identified to be sexually exploited.
  • ACS Language Study Report (July 2019): In response to Local Law 37 of 2018, ACS conducted a study regarding language needs of children in foster care. This report describes the language study that ACS conducted, and it provides a summary of key findings from that study. It also outlines ACS's continuing work to respond to language needs.
  • Length of Stay in ACS Pre-Placement Facilities (Q2, 2024): In compliance with Local Law 50 of 2023, starting March 31, 2024, ACS submits quarterly reports regarding length of stay in ACS Preplacement facilities.

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Juvenile Justice

In compliance with Local Law 44 of 2013 passed by the New York City Council, ACS posts quarterly and annual Incident Reports, an annual demographic report and an annual report of child abuse allegations for Detention, Non-Secure Placement and Limited Secure Placement.

Detention Admissions: 2023: This table displays the annual number of Detention admissions by Community District

Fiscal Year 2024 Quarterly Reports

Quarterly Incident Data Report for Detention (Fiscal Year 2024 3rd Quarter)

Quarterly Close to Home Incident Report (Fiscal Year 2024 3rd Quarter)

2023 Annual Reports

Detention Demographics Report Fiscal Year 2023

Close to Home Demographics Report Fiscal Year 2023

Annual Detention Incident Report Fiscal Year 2023

Close to Home Incident Report Fiscal Year 2023

Annual Detention and Close to Home Child Abuse and Neglect Allegations Report Fiscal Year 2023

Close to Home Annual Report

Close to Home Annual Report 2018

Mayor's Management Report (MMR): ACS Chapter: The MMR serves as a public report card on City services, as mandated by the City Charter.

NYC Open Data: This site provides access to thousands of City datasets and enables the user to view and manipulate custom charts. Local Law 11 of 2012 passed by City Council requires all city agencies, including ACS, to open their data by 2018.

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