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Elected Officials, Parents, Community Leaders and Clergy Applaud Citywide Gains for NYC Students on State Exams

August 1, 2016

“Congratulations to Chancellor Fariña and her team and all of New York’s principals, teachers, support staff, parents and students. Our city and state are making progress in providing a real education for all of our students. We need to keep fighting for adequate and fair funding to ensure these gains continue to enhance the lives of our children,” said Assembly Member Catherine Nolan, Chair of the Committee on Education.

"Our schools continue to move in the right direction," said Council Member Daniel Dromm, Chair of the Committee on Education. "These improvements are a result of the city's considerable investment in public education over the past two and a half years. I celebrate these gains and will continue to work with the administration to build upon them."

“For many New Yorkers, a quality public education is a pathway out of poverty and into a better life,” said Congressman José E. Serrano, who represents the South Bronx. “Yet, many students, especially underserved students of color, struggle to show basic proficiency and comprehension in math and English studies that puts them at an even greater disadvantage. Today’s test results are a positive step in the right direction and prove that greater investments yield better results for our kids. We must strengthen our resolve to build on these improvements so that every child, regardless of the borough they live in or the color of their skin, can get the best education possible in order to build a brighter future for themselves."

“I’m encouraged by the progress New York City students have made in closing the achievement gap with their peers throughout the state,” said Congressman Joe Crowley. “I want to congratulate them but also their teachers – to whom we owe a great part of this success. I thank Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña for equipping our educators with the proper resources as we strive to put every single student in a position to thrive and be the very best they can be.”

“As a former New York City school teacher I couldn’t be more pleased to see these strong improvements in State English and math scores citywide,” said Congressman Eliot Engel. “Our City schools are heading in the right direction under the leadership of Mayor de Blasio, the stewardship of Chancellor Fiorina, and the thousands of hardworking teachers who are in the classrooms every day working tirelessly to improve and expand educational opportunities in every community. These scores prove we are trending positively in those areas and we must continue to support our dedicated educators so that our children can continue to succeed.”

State Senator Brad Hoylman said, “As a public school parent, I know how important it is to ensure our kids are receiving a quality education that provides them the tools to be successful. While there is much to do, the latest test results from across our state, and especially in New York City, is proof that we’re moving in the right direction. I want to thank Chancellor Fariña, Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner Elia and Governor Cuomo for their continued commitment to improving the lives of New York’s students and look forward to working with them to build on these successes.”

“It is encouraging that improvements in reading and math scores in New York City are so significant. In fact, New York City is leading the state in gains. We should remain cautiously optimistic and hope that this progress trend continues and that the hard work of the Department of Education achieves even greater results. Moving forward, we must continue to work to ensure that our students get the best education to so then can compete in the global job market and achieve the American Dream,” said State Senator Martin Golden.

"I applaud Chancellor Fariña and the administration on the significant gains made this year in student testing evaluations across New York City. I firmly believe that these numbers prove public education can turn the corner on underperforming schools and create an environment for students to learn, grow, and compete in the 21st century global economy,” said Assembly Member Walter Mosley.

"These recent test results are encouraging; I am particularly glad to see that the improvements are noticeable among students of color. I would like to thank Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña for investing in education and particularly for focusing on the most struggling schools – this has made a big difference in my district, with renewal schools such as JHS 50 showing real improvements in a short amount of time,” said Council Member Antonio Reynoso.

“A strong education provides our young people with a springboard for success. This citywide rise in test scores, and the achievements of our renewal schools, further proves New York City students are capable and ambitious stars and scholars, more than ready to rise to the challenges in front of them. I commend Mayor de Blasio, Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña, the Department of Education, and all of the educators, administrators, and parents on this milestone and thank them for their dedication to ensuring all of our students have an opportunity to succeed,” said Council Member Vanessa Gibson.

“It is refreshing to see that New York City students are performing at increasingly higher levels of proficiency thanks to the changes being made in our city schools,” said Council Member Donovan Richards. “As I look toward the future for my own son, it is encouraging to know that our city’s school system is heading in the right direction. Ensuring a stronger education for all children is the most important factor in securing a better and brighter future for New York City. I’d like to thank Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña for their dedicated efforts toward providing a better education across the city.”

“This incredible improvement by our students on these exams is proof of Mayor de Blasio’s commitment to empowering our students, parents and teachers to meet and exceed expectations in every public school, in every neighborhood in our City,” said Council Member Margaret S. Chin. “I congratulate our Mayor, Schools Chancellor Fariña, and our public schoolchildren for raising the bar of educational excellence for thousands of other students to follow.”

“These improved student test scores are welcome news in our City as we continue to work hard to provide our kids with the best education possible,” said Council Member Rafael Salamanca. “While there is still much work to do, the progress we see here is especially a testament to the hard work of New York City educators, notably teachers in the Bronx, who want nothing more than students to succeed.”

"These improved test scores are great news! They reflect the hard work and dedication of our youngest New Yorkers. I congratulate the administrators, teachers, test takers and their families: your work ethic, your efforts and these results will have lasting impacts in our lives,” said Council Member Carlos Menchaca.

"New York City is seeing positive trends in education statistics, a clear sign that the more comprehensive approach to our schools employed by the de Blasio administration is working," said Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez. "Of course, as the Department of Education knows, tests are not the only measure of a students' success and learning. That's why we continue to see more innovative approaches to teaching and learning by our great teachers, ensuring more well-rounded students. We must continue this positive work so that more of our students are fully prepared for college upon graduation and I know our city is up to the task.”

"New York City public school test scores are getting better as we strive to have the best schools," said Council Member Ben Kallos a public high school graduate. "Thank you to the leadership of Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña in improving public school education and test scores."

“As the CEC President of District 23 Community Schools, I'm very excited to see that our students are excelling in their ELA and Math scores. I would like to thank our teachers who have really given their all in all in teaching our children to understand how important education is. With the Mayor’s Equity and Excellence plan being fully implemented this school term we are looking forward to seeing an even higher percentage of students passing the State Exam in the future. As long as our Principals continue to implement the Chancellor’s Framework for Great Schools into their everyday lesson plan as well as continuous Professional Development we will do it. So as a parent I'm very happy but we still have a long way to go,” said Melanie Mendonca, President CEC 23.

“Congratulations to our Mayor and Chancellor for the great improvements in the education of our youth. There is light at the end of the tunnel. To all of the students in New York City, keep the great work,” said Rolando Bini, Parents in Action.

“This is great news! I am so excited about the direction the educational system is moving under the leadership of the Mayor Bill de Blasio. This is great news for our children and I applaud the leadership team in making tough decision in order to get results that benefit the entire community,” said Dr. Kwesi Amoa, Executive Director of ReCycle For Education

“This steady progress, year after year, ensures opportunities for life-long success for students in the New York City public schools,” said Reverend Fred Davie, Executive Vice President at Union Theological Seminary.

“Mayor de Blasio's investment in education is paying big dividends. The faith community celebrates our children's rising test scores, as New York City youth show New York and the nation what academic excellence looks like,” said Reverend Peter Goodwin Heltzel, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Micah Institute, New York Theological Seminary.

“Improving education is a key measure of a city’s commitment to its future and its children. I am encouraged to see the progress in test scores for city students,” said Reverend Donna Schaper, Senior Minister at Judson Memorial Church and Member of the Mayor’s Clergy Advisory Council.

“It takes a village to raise children, and I am grateful that the Village of New York City teachers, administrators and the Mayor have worked together to improve our children's levels of proficiency,” said Reverend Dr. William S. Shillady, Executive Director, CEO, United Methodist City Society.

“We are very happy to learn that the scores have increased 7.6 percent in ELA and 1.2 percent in Math. We will not stop working until our children are the brightest and most prepared in students in the Country,” said Florence Koulouris, District Manager of Community Board 1 Queens.

"Community Board 2 congratulates our educators and students on the recent improvement on their test scores. Their dedication and commitment is inspiring. We wish all of the students continued success,” said Community Board 2 Queens Chair Denise Keehan-Smith.

“We are elated about the recent report on the significant improvements that New York City students have made on the State Exams. For the first time in many years, New York students are reading on grade level. It is truly an important step towards accomplishing our goal of ensuring that that our students receive a first class education, Queens Community Board 3’s top priority. We applaud the hard work of the students, families, teachers and DOE for this major accomplishment,” said Giovanna A. Reid, District Manager of Community Board 4 in Queens.

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