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Statement from First Deputy Mayor Anthony Shorris on the Port Authority Bus Terminal

July 21, 2016

"New York City has significant concerns with the process that the Port Authority of NY and NJ has undertaken thus far for the much-needed redevelopment of the Port Authority Bus Terminal. It is clear that a Port Authority Bus Terminal and interstate transportation system with expanded capacity is long overdue; the Bus Terminal is among New York City's most congested public spaces and will, in coming years, no longer be able to safely meet the demands of a rapidly growing number of commuters. Replacing it represents one of the most significant infrastructure challenges in the city over the next decade and demands a rigorous and transparent planning process. New York City and its residents must have a full voice in key issues such as site selection, terminal size, operational improvements and how to avoid the need for condemnation of private property in the area.

"The City has therefore urged the Port Authority to reconsider the current competition process, and begin a comprehensive public engagement and planning process that considers all possible options for a new terminal and views the project in an appropriate regional context. The process for a project of this magnitude and with so many impacts on the community must be open and transparent, and should be completed before any further planning for a new facility proceeds. With the robust engagement of commuters, residents, elected officials and stakeholders from both sides of the Hudson, we can build a modern terminal and trans-Hudson commuting system in which both New York and New Jersey can take pride."

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