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Adams Administration Responds to City Council's Continued False Attacks on DOE Budget

August 5, 2022

NEW YORK – Tonight, New York City Mayor Eric Adams administration’s Press Secretary Fabien Levy issued the following statement in response to the New York City Council’s continued false attacks on the budget process and the funds allocated to the New York City Department of Education for the upcoming year:

“Mayor Adams and Chancellor Banks are committed to providing every available resource to our students to provide them with the best education possible, and that is what this budget does.

“The city charter is clear: The mayor puts forward a budget, and the City Council votes on it — that is one of its most important duties. Both sides did their job, except now the Council refuses to stand by its vote and is, instead, repeatedly issuing misleading and irresponsible statements.

“The funding in the budget has been clear for months and was negotiated, reviewed, and voted on by the City Council with full transparency. The Council knew what it was voting for and knew it was the right decision. And in the months since the vote, our administration has continued to provide them with detailed responses to its questions.

“And let’s be clear about the facts — this budget includes more city funding than ever before and is responsibly adjusted to address both declining enrollment and the end of federal stimulus funding, all of which is currently allocated. There is no secret pot of funding, and the City Council knows this.

“As the speaker said on the day of the handshake agreement, ‘this is a budget, Mayor Adams, to be so proud of...that is good for every New Yorker, every community, and our entire city government.’”


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