July 31, 2021
WHEREAS, the City’s efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 are critical to the health and well-being of City workers and residents and other persons with whom they interact in the provision of services; and
WHEREAS, wearing a face covering that covers the person’s mouth and nose is a highly effective measure for reducing the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) reports that new variants of COVID-19, identified as “variants of concern,” have emerged in the United States, and some of these new variants, which currently account for the majority of COVID-19 cases sequenced in New York City, are more transmissible than earlier variants; and
WHEREAS, the CDC has stated that vaccination is an effective tool to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and benefits both vaccine recipients and those they come into contact with, including persons who for reasons of age, health, or other conditions cannot themselves be vaccinated; and
WHEREAS, the recent appearance in the City of the highly transmissible Delta variant of COVID-19 has substantially increased the risk of infection for the City’s workforce; and
WHEREAS, many employees of City contractors hold positions in which they come into contact with other people in the course of their work for the City, and are thus in a position to transmit or contract COVID-19 while they are at work; and
WHEREAS, it is essential that the City promote the best health and safety practices recognized in light of current scientific understanding of the conditions under which COVID-19 can spread;
NOW, THEREFORE, by the power vested in me as Mayor of the City of New York, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this Order, the following terms have the following meanings:
Contract. The term “contract” means a contract awarded by the City, and any subcontract under such a contract, for work (i) to be performed within the City of New York; and (ii) where employees can be expected to physically interact with City employees or members of the public in the course of performing work under the contract.
Covered Employee. The term “covered employee” means a person (i) employed by a contractor or subcontractor holding a contract; (ii) whose salary is paid in whole or in part from funds provided under a City contract; and (iii) who performs any part of the work under the contract within the City of New York. However, a person whose work under the contract does not include physical interaction with City employees or members of the public shall not be deemed to be a covered employee.
Full vaccination. The term “full vaccination” means at least two weeks have passed after a person received a single-dose of an FDA- or WHO- approved COVID-19 vaccine or the second dose of an FDA- or WHO- approved two-dose COVID-19 vaccine.
§ 2. Requirement. Effective August 2, 2021, all City agencies must take all necessary actions to ensure that their contractors require their covered employees to: (i) wear a face covering at all times the covered employee can be expected to physically interact with City employees and members of the public in the course of performing work under the contract, or (ii) provide proof of their full vaccination status.
§ 3. Notice. Each City agency must send each of its contractors notice that the Mayor has directed City contractors to comply with the requirement of this Order and request a response from each such contractor, as soon as possible, with regard to the contractor’s intent to follow the Mayor's directive.
§ 4. Future Contracts. The Law Department and the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services shall work with City agencies to ensure that the requirements of this Order are reflected in all future City contracts, renewals, amendments, and modifications.
§5. Effective date. This Order shall take effect immediately.
Bill de Blasio,