Motorists & Parking
- Traffic Advisories
- Parking
- Trucks & Commercial Vehicles
- NYC Highway & Traffic Rules
- NYC Streets
- Programs
Safety Tips for Traveling in NYC
Being an attentive and safe driver is extremely important for everyone sharing the street. Whether you’re behind the wheel or walking your neighborhood, make safety your top priority.
Remember: NYC’s speed limit is 25 MPH, unless otherwise posted. Street Safety Tips Vision Zero: Safe Driving information including Automated Enforcement (i.e. speed cameras, red light cameras, bus lane cameras) Learn about free car seat fitting events and appointments
Ensuring work zone safety is a top NYC DOT priority. Driving safely near work zones saves lives.
Traffic Advisories
NYC DOT published traffic advisories weekly, which provide the locations of road construction and street events that will impede the normal flow of traffic. Weekly Traffic Advisory Weekend Traffic Advisory Special Traffic Advisory
As part of its citywide traffic improvement program, NYC DOT has compiled a list of areas where major street construction or street events will impede the normal flow of traffic. Visit the NYC Street Closures Map
Gridlock Alert Days
Each year during the holiday season, the NYC DOT designates Gridlock Alert Days as some of the busiest traffic days of the year. Learn more about Gridlock Alert Days
Alternate Side Parking
Get the alternate side parking schedule.
Parking Regulations
Find information about rules for parking and search the on-street parking regulations. Learn more about parking regulations
ParkNYC – Mobile App to Pay for Metered Parking

ParkNYC is an easy and convenient way to pay for metered parking using a mobile phone or web browser. Find out more about ParkNYC
Parking Rates
Get information about street parking rates.
Municipal Parking Garages
NYC DOT operates municipal parking garages and lots in all five boroughs. Find out more about municipal parking facilities
Parking & Travel Permits
NYC DOT issues parking permits for people with disabilities, for clergy, for government agencies and not-for-profits. Translations of NYC DOT Licenses, Permit Applications & Registrations
Parking Permits for People with Disabilities
New York City Parking Permits for People with Disabilities (NYC PPPD)
New York City issues two types of permits for citizens with disabilities - a New York State permit and a New York City Parking Permit for People with Disabilities (NYC PPPD). There are different eligibility requirements and different uses for these permits. Learn about Parking Permits for People with Disabilities
Not-For- Profit Organization (State Disability Permit)
If you represent a Not-for-Profit Organization operating in New York City and service a community of disabled people, you may apply for a State Parking Permit for People with Disabilities (PPPD). Learn about the State Parking Permit for People with Disabilities
NYC DOT issues permits for members of the clergy affiliated with a house of worship to park near their house of worship.
Learn about Clergy Parking Permits
Agency Business Parking Permits (ABPP)
NYC DOT also issues Agency Business Parking Permits to City, State or Federal agencies whose employees need to park while conducting official business. Apply for an Agency Business Parking Permit
Annual On-Street Parking Permits (AOSPP)
NYC DOT issues Annual On-Street Parking Permits to not-for-profits. The permits allow vehicles limited standing and parking privileges in loading zones and at parking meters while carrying out the organization's mission. Apply for an Annual On-Street Parking Permit
Highway Travel Permit
This permit allows vans, buses, and heavy-duty construction vehicles to access sections of NYC parkways that are otherwise available only to passenger cars due to weight restrictions. Apply for a Highway Travel Permit on the NYC DOT Parking Permits website
Trucks and Commercial Vehicles
Trucks and commercial vehicles are essential to New York City, providing goods and services to millions of New Yorkers every day. NYC DOT regulates trucks and commercial vehicles on New York City's streets, including rules on vehicle classification, size and weight restrictions, truck routes and commercial parking. Learn more about Trucks and Commercial Vehicles Download the NYC Truck Route map Learn about NYC DOT's Off-Hour Delivery Program
Loading Zones
Loading Zones provide space at the curb for loading and unloading passengers and goods. Types of Loading Zones
New York City Highway & Traffic Rules
Read the official City rules on traffic signals, pedestrians, restrictions on turns, speed restrictions, parking, stopping, and standing, rules for buses, taxis and for-hire vehicles, truck routes, rules pertaining to parkways and parks, limitations on vehicle dimensions and weights, and other information. Review NYC’s Highway and Traffic Rules
High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOV Lanes)
New York City's high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes provide a faster option for drivers with passengers. Motorists must follow posted regulations regarding the number of passengers required and hours of operation. Buses, Access-A-Ride vehicles, and motorcycles may also use these lanes.
Bus Lane Rules and Enforcement
Bus Rapid Transit in New York City includes dedicated bus-only lanes. Vehicles can enter an active bus lane only to quickly pick up or drop off passengers or turn right. Bus lane violations are $115 or more. Learn more about bus lane cameras If you have received a bus lane camera violation, you can view the video footage used to issue the violation
Taxi Relief Stands
NYC DOT designates the locations of relief stands for taxi and for-hire-vehicle drivers. Taxis and for-hire cars are regulated by the Taxi and Limousine Commission.
New York City Streets
Street Resurfacing
NYC DOT publishes a weekly schedule of streets slated for milling or resurfacing. Review the weekly resurfacing schedule
The Daily Pothole
The Daily Pothole blog tracks the daily count of potholes filled and lanes resurfaced and explains roadwork with maps and photographs.
NYC DOT is a national leader in the use of recycled asphalt pavement, which turns yesterday’s pavement into today’s streets. The Agency is currently piloting the use of warm mix asphalt. Learn more about sustainable paving
Current NYC DOT Projects
Street reconstruction projects are installed each season in neighborhoods around the City that aim to reduce traffic, improve travel time and make our streets safer for all roadway users. Learn about current street redesign projects
Street Direction Conversions
Investigations of street direction conversion proposals are generally initiated by NYC DOT in response to a request from a local community board, but may also result from requests from other City agencies or from within NYC DOT. All other requests (i.e., from citizens) are referred to the local community board for a letter of support to conduct the street direction change investigation. Street Direction Conversion Process and Considerations List of Street Direction Change Requests to NYC DOT from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 Previous List of Street Direction Change Requests are archived in the Government Publications Portal
NYC DOT's Adopt-A-Highway Program is an opportunity for on-location sponsorship for the businesses, organizations, or individuals that give back to their communities by providing clean and beautiful highways.
Autonomous Vehicle Demonstration or Testing Permit Program
NYC DOT oversees the testing of autonomous vehicles (AV) on streets and highways within the City of New York through our AV testing permit program. Learn more at
Carshare Program
Carshare provides on-demand access to a vehicle for short-term use, usually by the minute, hour or day.
NYC is launching a citywide program designating parking spaces for carshare vehicles. Parking spaces are in municipal parking lots and on streets citywide. Learn more at
Central Business District Tolling Program
In 2019, the New York State approved the Central Business District Tolling Program (CBDTP), also known as congestion pricing. This program aims to reduce congestion in the heart of New York City and raise revenue to fund transit system improvements. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) will design, implement, and operate CBDTP.
Vehicles that enter or remain in Manhattan south of 60th Street will be tolled by the MTA. Toll revenue will be used to improve and modernize the MTA’s subway system and buses, Long Island Railroad, and Metro-North Railroad. NYC DOT is a supporting partner assisting with infrastructure coordination and studies required under the state legislation.
The CBDTP requires approval from the federal government. The MTA, along with NYC DOT and the New York State Department of Transportation, conducted an Environmental Assessment (EA), for which the Federal Highway Administration issued a Finding of No Significant Impact in June 2023. The EA examined the potential environmental effects of the CBDTP. The MTA has also performed extensive public outreach to gather comments from the public on the program. Learn more about CBDTP via
Connected Vehicle Pilot
NYC is one of three Connected Vehicle (CV) pilot deployment sites selected by USDOT to demonstrate the benefits of CV technology. CV technology is a tool to help NYC reach its Vision Zero goals to eliminate traffic related deaths and reduce crash related injuries and damage to both the vehicles and infrastructure. The NYC deployment is focused on 14 safety applications that provide drivers with alerts so that the driver can take action to avoid a crash or reduce the severity of injuries or damage to vehicles and infrastructure.
NYC DOT Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan is part of the Agency-wide Strategic Plan and guided by the City vision and agency’s mission to improve the quality of life of the citizens. Learn more at
Electric Vehicle Pilot Program
NYC is launching a citywide pilot program to provide 120 on-street parking spaces for electric vehicles (EVs), where EV’s will be able to plug in for low-speed (Level 2) charging. Learn more at
Neighborhood Loading Zones
The Neighborhood Loading Zone (NLZ) program aims to reduce double parking on narrow residential streets by providing space at the curb for deliveries, passenger pick-up/drop-off and loading. Neighborhood Loading Zone locations and program information