Protected Streets
A protected street is a block or intersection that has been resurfaced or reconstructed within the last five years. No street openings are allowed on protected streets, except for emergency work or as authorized by NYC DOT's Commissioner. More information on coordinating street construction work may be found in NYC DOT's Street Works Manual.
List of Protected Streets
Data Structure
- Locations are updated in real-time and may be sorted by borough, all segments or either blocks or intersections.
- The list is sorted alphabetically by borough, and then in ascending order by "Completed on Date".
- The full list may be downloaded for additional sorting or street name search.
Street Names
- The official street name should be used when searching for a location. For example, Central Park West becomes Frederick Douglass Boulevard north of Cathedral Parkway/Central Park North.
- Numbered streets or avenues are listed with the numeral, i.e. 1 Avenue and 4 Street.
- Streets with directional prefixes, such as East 57 Street, will appear under "East" not 57 Street.
- Intersections are listed alphabetically by the "On Street"; based on which street name comes first alphabetically. For example, the intersection of Astor Place and Broadway (Manhattan) is listed under Astor Place.
- Numbered streets precede named streets. For example, the intersection of East Houston Street and 7 Avenue will be found under 7 Avenue.
Completion on Date
The street is marked as a protected street when the location contains a "Completed on Date" entry. Please call the Borough Street Maintenance Office for additional questions or information on streets that appear to be resurfaced but do not appear on this list.
- Bronx: 212-748-6672
- Brooklyn: 718-222-7290/7293
- Manhattan: 212-839-8980
- Queens: 718-286-2707
- Staten Island: 718-816-2084
Protected Until Date
A street is protected for five years from the "Completion on Date".
Additional Protected Streets Resources
- View Protected Streets on the NYC DOT Map:
- Protected Streets – Block on NYC Open Data (shp)
- Protected Streets – Intersection on NYC Open Data (shp)