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2004 Press Releases
- 04-63 South Street Seaport and DEP Open New Hands-On Aquatic “Wet Lab” for Students (12/8/04)
- 04-62 Kids Get Hands-On Lessons At New “Wet Lab” (12/6/04)
- 04-61 Glenford Dike Forest Management Project Awarded to Local Timber Harvester (12/6/04)
- 04-60 State and City to Begin Groundwater and Soil Remediation at West Side Corporation Site in Queens (11/19/04)
- 04-59 City to Begin Groundwater and Soil Remediation at West Side Corporation Site in Queens (11/19/04)
- 04-58 DEP to Honor Staff at 21st Annual Employee Recognition Day (11/9/04)
- 04-57 Over 32,000 Acres of City Water Supply Lands to Be Open for Deer Hunting Season (10/13/04)
- 04-56 DEP Makes Donations of Historic Bluestone (10/6/04)
- 04-55 DEP Wins Outstanding Achievement in Water Quality Improvement Award (10/5/04)
- 04-54 Grand Gorge Wastewater Treatment Plant Receives State Award For Excellence (9/29/04)
- 04-53 With A Storm Approaching DEP Urges Residents to Help Minimize Street Flooding (9/28/04)
- 04-52 DEP Part of International Beach Cleanup Day (9/16/04)
- 04-51a New York City DEP Cosponsors Workshop for Bronx Dry Cleaners on Bronx Environmental Interest Free Revolving Loan Fund (9/20/04)
- 04-51 Landowner Donates $1 Million North Castle Property to New York City DEP (9/15/04)
- 04-50 Tonight’s Public Hearing on Proposed Watershed Recreation Rules Moved From Shandaken Town Hall (9/14/04)
- 04-49a Third Annual “Take A Child Fishing Day” At Kensico Reservoir on September 18 (9/15/04)
- 04-49 Public Advocate’s Claim Questioned By DEP (9/10/04)
- 04-48 DEP Issues Statement on Flooding Throughout the City (9/8/04)
- 04-47 New Croton Aqueduct to Be Shut Down for Inspection, Repairs and Rehabilitation in Early September (8/31/04)
- 04-46 New York City DEP Will Offer Interpretive Hike on Water Supply Lands (8/31/04)
- 04-45 DEP Commissioner Hosts Award Ceremony Honoring Students for Participating in Fire Hydrant Safety Education Program (8/18/04)
- 04-44 New York City to Test Hudson River Aquifer for “Induced Infiltration” Study (8/12/04)
- 04-43 New York City DEP Will Offer Interpretive Hike on Water Supply Lands in Town of Olive (8/2/04)
- 04-42 DEP Issues Advisory to Homeowners in Greenpoint Section of Brooklyn to Beware of Imposters Posing As “Water Department” Employees (7/23/04)
- 04-41 DEP Issues 2003 Harbor Water Quality Report Showing Cleaner Waterways And Wildlife Resurgence (7/20/04)
- 04-40 DEP Updating City’s Drought Rules (7/20/04)
- 04-38 DEP Issues Proposed Revisions To Watershed Recreation Rules (7/13/04)
- 04-37 New York City Acquires 187 Acres In East Fishkill (7/13/04)
- 04-36 Public Meeting at DEP Police 6th Precinct in Yorktown Heights (7/8/04)
- 04-35 DEP Announces Leak Detection and Catch Basin Cleaning Locations for July (7/8/04)
- 04-34 USEPA Regional Administrator Jane M. Kenny and DEP Commissioner Christopher O. Ward Announce Winners of New York City’s First “Green” Buildings Competition (6/29/04)
- 04-33 DEP Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators Take First Place In Statewide “Operators’ Challenge” (6/21/04)
- 04-32 DEP and Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation Sponsor Workshops Introducing High Volume Low Pressure Paint Spray Guns (6/14/04)
- 04-31 DEP Announces Leak Detection and Catch Basin Cleaning Locations for June (6/9/04)
- 04-30 Revision of Press Release Sent 6/2/04 – New Information (6/4/04)
- 04-29 Public Meeting at DEP Police 2nd Precinct in Beerston (6/3/04)
- 04-28a DEP Customer Service Borough Offices Extend Hours for Payment of Water Bills and Liens on Property (6/2/04)
- 04-28 DEP and National Weather Service Team Up For Better Forecasts (6/1/04)
- 04-27 DEP Starts Enhanced Beach Protection Program For Summer (5/26/04)
- 04-26 DEP Graduates 43 New Environmental Protection Police Officers (5/21/04)
- 04-24 DEP Honors Winners of Water Conservation Art and Poetry Contest (5/7/04)
- 04-23 Public Meeting at DEP Police 4th Precinct in Ashokan (5/5/04)
- 04-22 Upstate and Downstate Students Enhance Streamside Buffer for Watershed Protection (5/5/04)
- 04-21 DEP and KEEP Honor Local Winners of Water Conservation Art and Poetry Contest (5/4/04)
- 04-20 DEP Will Resume Fluoridation of Croton Water Supply System (4/14/04)
- 04-19 Public Meeting at DEP Police 1st Precinct in Gilboa (4/12/04)
- 04-18 DEP Properties Open For Traditional Sugar Maple Tapping (4/7/04)
- 04-16 City Introduces Innovative New Comprehensive Water Re-Use Program (4/2/04)
- 04-15 Trout Season Opens on New York City Reservoirs (3/31/04)
- 04-14 DEP Acquires Conservation Easement on 26 Acres in Yorktown (3/24/04)
- 04-13 DEP Commissioner Christopher O. Ward to Give Keynote Address on Water Conservation at Westchester “Save Water/Safe Water” Conference (3/12/04)
- 04-12 DEP Offers $1,000 Reward for Information on Bias Crimes (3/9/04)
- 04-11 Stormwater Control Project in Carmel to Improve Water Quality in West Branch Croton River (3/9/04)
- 04-10 Public Meeting at DEP Police 2nd Precinct in Beerston (3/8/04)
- 04-09 DEP Purchases 481 Acres in Wawarsing (3/2/04)
- 04-08 DEP Issues Advisory To Homeowners in Glendale, Middle Village, Ridgewood and Maspeth, Queens To Beware Of Imposters Posing as “Water Department” Employees (2/9/04)
- 04-07 Reminder: Snow-Blocked Fire Hydrants Can Hamper Fire Fighting (1/29/04)
- 04-06 Hundreds Visit New DEP Hunting Area Near Ashokan Reservoir In Its First Year (1/27/04)
- 04-05 Croton Reservoir System To Resume Operations (revision to press release 04-04) (1/21/04)
- 04-04 Croton Reservoir System To Resume Operations (1/12/04)
- 04-02 DEP Acquires Conservation Easement on 463-Acre Parcel in Shandaken (1/7/04)
- 04-01 New York City Acquires Two More Parcels in Its East of Hudson Watershed (1/7/04)
Past Press Releases
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