
Registration is the process of a user creating an account with NYC.ID. Once a user creates a NYC.ID account, he or she can authenticate with all NYC.ID-integrated applications via that account. To register, a user is required to:

  1. provide the following information:
    1. an email address or username that meets these criteria:
      1. does not contain a domain of,,,,,,,,,,, and
    2. a password that meets these criteria:
      1. is at least eight characters in length,
      2. contains at least one letter,
      3. contains at least one number or special character, and
      4. does not contain spaces or the word "password", and
    3. if shown, a first and last name, and
    4. if shown, select and answer one security question, and
  2. understand and agree to:
    1. the NYC.ID Terms of Use
    2. the Terms of Use, and
    3. the Privacy Policy

Integrating Registration

Your application should send the user to this relative URL to create an account with NYC.ID:

GET /account/register.htm

NOTE: If your application is configured to allow users to login via federated identity providers, it should not include a Create Account link. Doing so may cause a user who wants to login with an existing federated identity to assume he or she must create a NYC.ID account. Learn about Authentication.

For additional functionality, you can include the following optional parameters.

Parameter Name Parameter Description
showNameFields (Deprecated)

The default value, false, indicates that the First Name, Last Name, and Middle Initial fields will not appear. A value of true indicates the First Name, Last Name, and Middle Initial fields will appear on the page.

Ignored when "spName" is specified.

The default value, false, indicates that the security question fields will appear. A value of true indicates the security question fields will not appear on the page.

Ignored when "spName" is specified and usernames are disabled.
emailAddress The value to display and populate within the Email Address or Username field
firstName The value to display and populate within the First Name field
middleInitial The value to display and populate within the Middle Initial field
lastName The value to display and populate within the Last Name field
disableEmail If "emailAddress" is not empty and "disableEmail" equals true, then the user must register with the email address specified.
fromKiosk (Deprecated)

If the user will be creating a NYC.ID account on a kiosk that does not have access to the Web (to perform Email Validation), "fromKiosk" must equal true.

When "fromKiosk" equals true and the user registers with an email address, after the user clicks the Create Account button, he or she will be directed to the Account Created page instead of the Confirmation Email Sent page.

Ignored when "spName" is specified.

The URI (encoded in Base64) that the user is sent to after completing the registration process.

The "target" query string parameter must have a domain name of doitt.nycnet,, nycid.nycnet, csc.nycnet,, hpd.nycnet,, finance.nycnet,, cs.nycnet,, records.nycnet, dcas.nycnet, dhs.nycnet,,,,,,,,,,, sbs.nycnet,,,,, or Please contact to add your domain name to the list of valid domains.
lang A language code. Learn about Internationalization and Localization for a list of supported language codes. Defaults to en.
spName Your application's SAML Service Provider (SP) Metadata name, found in the NYC.ID Console. This value is used to override the Application Brand Banner computed from the "target" parameter. Learn more about Application Brand Banner Logic
! IMPORTANT: If the "target" parameter isn't specified or is invalid, NYC.ID will send the user to
! IMPORTANT: The above parameters cannot be configured when clicking on the Create Account link on the Login page. They are preconfigured; the "showNameFields" parameter has a value of true, and all other parameters are not specified.

When a user visits the Create Account page:

  1. the user completes the form fields and enters his or her email address or username and clicks the Create Account button.
  2. If the user is logged in and the user has a validated email address, NYC.ID will direct the user to his or her Account Profile.


Creating an Account with an Email Address

If the user enters an email address and clicks the Create Account button,

  1. NYC.ID sends the user an email, which contains a link that the user must click to validate his or her email address. Learn about Email Validation, and
  2. NYC.ID displays a message, which says that the validation email was sent and tells the user to check his or her email.


Creating an Account with a Username

If the user enters a username and clicks the Create Account button,

  1. NYC.ID displays a message, which explains that the user's account was created.
  2. To return to your application via the URL specified in the "target" parameter, the user clicks the Continue button.