In This Issue:
DFTA celebrates successful holiday campaign with n4a, AARP
Volunteer Resource Center wraps up ‘Holiday Helpers’
Tips to help seniors brave emergency situations
A no-wrong-door approach with NY Connects
Programming for diversity at Seaside Innovative Center
Ambassadors to the unserved: Knickerbocker Village reaches out
DFTA celebrates successful holiday campaign with n4a, AARP
With the new year underway, the Department for the Aging is celebrating its successful participation in the national “Home for the Holidays” anti-social isolation campaign.
Volunteer Resource Center wraps up ‘Holiday Helpers’
The Department for the Aging’s Volunteer Resource Center made the holidays brighter for senior center members across the city.
Tips to help seniors brave emergency situations
The NYC Citizens Corps, which is coordinated by the New York City Office of Emergency Management, publishes a report annually with information to help older adults and people with medical, functional or access needs prepare for a citywide emergency. Here are some of those tips, which providers and others can share with olders.
A no-wrong-door approach with NY Connects
Now in its second year, approximately 16,000 New York City residents have received services through the NY Connects program, which the Department for the Aging administers in the five boroughs.
Programming for diversity at Seaside Innovative Center
Talk about diversity! Seaside Innovative Senior Center in Coney Island is a microcosm of New York.
Ambassadors to the unserved: Knickerbocker Village reaches out
How do you reach older adults living in a naturally occurring retirement community to involve them in on-site services when there are 4,500 residents?