The Enforcement Division of the Uniformed Services Bureau (USB) is a specialized law enforcement Division comprised of Peace Officers who are designated as NYS Special Patrolmen.
The primary mission of enforcement is to maintain public safety by deterring illegal operation of unlicensed vehicles, and ensuring compliance of all TLC Rules and Regulations, Vehicle Traffic Laws, the Administrative Code and NYC Rules and Regulations within its regulated industries.
Currently, the Enforcement Division of the USB has about 240 field officers and supervisors covering a twenty-four hour workday, seven days a week. Officers perform on-street enforcement of TLC-licensed drivers and vehicles as well as unlicensed for-hire operators who pose a serious threat to public safety. In addition to its on-street enforcement role, the division also ensures compliance of applicable TLC rules by taxi garages, FHV bases, taximeter shops and driver education schools.
The effective regulation of the for-hire industry requires many-faceted approach. First and foremost, Enforcement must provide for the public safety and security for the for-hire riding public. To be effective, enforcement must recognize and adapt to the changing patterns of unlicensed for-hire activity that negatively impact the legitimate industry and the many communities in which they operate. These patterns become visible in Enforcement statistics, but are also apparent in interactions with industry stakeholders, businesses, law enforcement partners including the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and the Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) and the City's elected representatives. TLC Enforcement is a partner in the Mayor's Vison Zero.
The Enforcement Division brings as much formal and informal information together as possible and the business units that make up the USB collaboratively work together to address the predominate issues that are identified. Our actual focus is dependent upon resources available and the degree of importance to the overall goal of a safe for-hire riding public. Every member of the Enforcement Division is committed to providing the most effective enforcement possible.
For more information call (718) 267-4500 or email
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