Rules for Special Areas

Meeting Notice - June 11, 2024

East Midtown Public Realm Improvement Fund Governing Group is holding its annual budget meeting. The agenda will include election of officers, election of the directors and alternate directors, a vote on the annual budget for fiscal year 2025, status updates for funded public realm improvement projects and the calendaring of a vote (and subsequent vote) to allocate EMGG funds to the Park Avenue Medians Landscape Architect RFP (as per updated costing). Please see NYC Engage for details.

View the public meeting notice and meeting agenda.

East Midtown Governing Group’s Role

Concept Plan Project Map
Concept Plan Map
PDF Document View a larger image

The East Midtown Public Realm Improvement Fund Governing Group (the “Governing Group”) is tasked with bolstering and enhancing East Midtown’s status as a premier central business district through the selection and allocation of funds toward pedestrian realm and transit network projects. The Governing Group shall maintain a Public Realm Improvement Concept Plan (the “Concept Plan”) that will be a list of priority improvements. As set forth in the Zoning Resolution, all improvements in the Concept Plan, which may be funded through contributions to the East Midtown Public Realm Improvement Fund or through in-kind contributions, shall:

  1. be within the East Midtown Subdistrict, a location immediately adjacent thereto, or in a subway or rail mass transit facility in the Borough of Manhattan which has significant ridership into and out of the Subdistrict;
  2. have a City or State agency as a project sponsor;
  3. meet the definition of a capital project under Section 210 of the New York City Charter, as well as all other City requirements with respect to capital projects, including the Directives of the City Comptroller;
  4. have sufficient funding in-hand at the time of project approval for the completion of the project and have identified sources of funding for the ongoing operational costs (if applicable) of the project; and
  5. consist of either above-grade or below-grade public realm improvements.

Concept Plan

PDF Document Concept Plan Overview, May 1, 2019
PDF Document Annual Concept Plan Update, December 14, 2022

Link to Completed East Midtown Subdistrict Transfers
Completed East Midtown Subdistrict Transfers
PDF Document View a larger image

Projects that use development rights from landmarks within the East Midtown Subdistrict or rebuild non-complying floor area are required to make a contribution into the Public Realm Improvement Fund (the “Fund”), pursuant to Zoning Resolution Sections 81-642 and 81-643. The Fund shall be utilized, at the discretion of the East Midtown Governing Group, to fund capital improvement projects that improve the public realm within the East Midtown Subdistrict and its immediate vicinity, and transit facilities in Manhattan that have significant ridership into and out of the Subdistrict.

All development rights transfers and contributions into the Fund are listed in the chart to the right.

Members and Directors Meeting Minutes

PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, June 6, 2023 - DRAFT
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, December 14, 2022
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, September 22, 2022
PDF Document Meeting of Directors, June 23, 2022
PDF Document Meeting of Directors, December 28, 2021
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, October 18, 2021
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, September 23, 2021
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, April 29, 2021
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, December 14, 2020
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, October 9, 2020
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, February 13, 2020
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, December 13, 2019
PDF Document Meeting of Directors, September 24, 2019
PDF Document Meeting of Directors, May 1, 2019
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, October 30, 2018
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, May 10, 2018
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, February 15, 2018
PDF Document Meeting of Directors, November 20, 2017
PDF Document Meeting of Members and Directors, October 24, 2017

Governance Committee Meeting Minutes

PDF Document Meeting of Governance Committee, September 9, 2019 (draft)

Organizational Documents

PDF Document Governing Group Bylaws (adopted October 18, 2021)
PDF Document Governing Group Appointees (as of June 30, 2023)
PDF Document Policy on Investment (adopted November 20, 2017, readopted September 24, 2019)
PDF Document Policy on Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property (adopted November 20, 2017, readopted September 24, 2019)
PDF Document Policy on Personal Property Disposition (adopted November 20, 2017, readopted September 24, 2019)
PDF Document Policy on Procurement (adopted November 20, 2017, readopted September 24, 2019)
PDF Document Governing Group Mission Statement (adopted October 24, 2017, readopted September 24, 2019)
PDF Document Audit Committee Charter (adopted November 20, 2017)
PDF Document Governance Committee Charter (adopted November 20, 2017)
PDF Document Policy on Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics (adopted November 20, 2017)
PDF Document Policy on Defense and Indemnification (adopted November 20, 2017)
PDF Document Policy on Salary, Compensation, Reimbursements, Time and Attendance (adopted November 20, 2017)
PDF Document Policy on Travel and Meal Allowance (adopted November 20, 2017)
PDF Document Policy on Protection for Whistleblowers (adopted November 20, 2017)
PDF Document Certificate of Incorporation (adopted October 16, 2017)

Annual Reports

PDF Document Descriptions of Authority, Major Authority Units, and Subsidiaries
PDF Document Number of Employees and Executive Management Team
PDF Document Annual Report-PARIS FY 2023
PDF Document Annual Report-PARIS FY 2022
PDF Document Annual Report-PARIS FY 2021
PDF Document Annual Report-PARIS FY 2020
PDF Document Annual Report-PARIS FY 2019
PDF Document Annual Report FY 2018
PDF Document Audit Report FY 2023
PDF Document Audit Report FY 2022
PDF Document Audit Report FY 2021
PDF Document Audit Report FY 2020
PDF Document Audit Report FY 2019
PDF Document Audit Report FY 2018
PDF Document Board Meeting Attendance FY 2023
PDF Document Board Meeting Attendance FY 2022
PDF Document Board Meeting Attendance FY 2021
PDF Document Board Meeting Attendance FY 2020
PDF Document Board Meeting Attendance FY 2019
PDF Document Board Meeting Attendance FY 2018
PDF Document Board Performance Evaluation FY 2019
PDF Document Board Performance Evaluation FY 2018
PDF Document Budget Report FY 2024
PDF Document Budget Report FY 2023
PDF Document Budget Report FY 2022
PDF Document Budget Report FY 2021
PDF Document Budget Report FY 2020
PDF Document Budget Report FY 2019
PDF Document Description of Material Operations and Program Changes FY 2023
PDF Document Description of Material Operations and Program Changes FY 2022
PDF Document Description of Material Operations and Program Changes FY 2021
PDF Document Description of Material Operations and Program Changes FY 2020
PDF Document Description of Material Operations and Program Changes FY 2019
PDF Document Description of Material Operations and Program Changes FY 2018
PDF Document Description of Material Pending Litigation FY 2023
PDF Document Description of Material Pending Litigation FY 2022
PDF Document Description of Material Pending Litigation FY 2021
PDF Document Description of Material Pending Litigation FY 2020
PDF Document Description of Material Pending Litigation FY 2019
PDF Document Description of Material Pending Litigation FY 2018
PDF Document Financial Metrics FY 2023
PDF Document Financial Metrics FY 2022
PDF Document Financial Metrics FY 2021
PDF Document Financial Metrics FY 2020
PDF Document Financial Metrics FY 2019
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by Auditor FY 2023
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by Auditor FY 2022
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by Auditor FY 2021
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by Auditor FY 2020
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by Auditor FY 2019
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by PRIFGG FY 2023
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by PRIFGG FY 2022
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by PRIFGG FY 2021
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by PRIFGG FY 2020
PDF Document Internal Control Assessment by PRIFGG FY 2019
PDF Document Investment Report FY 2023
PDF Document Investment Report FY 2022
PDF Document Investment Report FY 2021
PDF Document Investment Report FY 2020
PDF Document Investment Report FY 2019
PDF Document Investment Report FY 2018
PDF Document Long Term Liabilities FY 2023
PDF Document Long Term Liabilities FY 2022
PDF Document Long Term Liabilities FY 2021
PDF Document Long Term Liabilities FY 2020
PDF Document Long Term Liabilities FY 2019
PDF Document Performance Measurements Report FY 2023
PDF Document Performance Measurements Report FY 2022
PDF Document Performance Measurements Report FY 2021
PDF Document Performance Measurements Report FY 2020
PDF Document Performance Measurements Report FY 2019
PDF Document Performance Measurements Report FY 2018
PDF Document Procurement Report FY 2023
PDF Document Procurement Report FY 2022
PDF Document Procurement Report FY 2021
PDF Document Procurement Report FY 2020
PDF Document Procurement Report FY 2019
PDF Document Property Report FY 2023
PDF Document Property Report FY 2022
PDF Document Property Report FY 2021
PDF Document Property Report FY 2020
PDF Document Property Report FY 2019
PDF Document Property Report FY 2018

  1. “For all EMGG meetings, a minimum of Members, Directors and Alternate Directors, sufficient to constitute a quorum, shall be present in a physical location or locations where the public can attend, in person.

  2. Members of the EMGG beyond those required to constitute a quorum may attend remotely by videoconference, from any location and without providing access by members of the public due to:
    1. Extraordinary circumstances, such as disability, illness, or caregiving responsibilities
    2. Significant events, such as a previously scheduled business obligation, significant personal obligations, or a vacation
    3. Unexpected events, such as transportation or technology issues or unexpected business or personal obligations

  3. Public notices regarding EMGG meetings shall inform the public: if/when videoconferencing will (or may) be used, where the public can view and/or participate in such meeting, where required documents and records will be posted or available, and the physical location(s) for the meeting where the public can attend.

  4. Any meeting where a member, or a member of the public attends by videoconference, shall be recorded, and posted to the EMGG webpage within five business days, and transcribed upon request.

  5. Members of the public may view EMGG meetings by video and may attend and, where public comment is authorized, participate in EMGG meetings in person, by videoconference, or by any other remote means established by the EMGG.”

To contact the East Midtown Public Realm Improvement Fund Governing Group, please email or write to:

East Midtown Governing Group
c/o Manhattan Office
120 Broadway, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10271