A public scoping meeting was held at Bushwick High School to collect feedback on a Draft Scope of Work for previously proposed zoning strategies. Written comments were accepted by DCP until July 19th, 2019.
The Bushwick Neighborhood Plan Update, released on April 24, 2019 by the Department of City Planning, is a draft area-wide plan for the Bushwick community that promotes a long-term vision for the neighborhood that fosters preservation and creation of affordable housing, promotes job growth, identifies neighborhood investments, protects neighborhood character, and channels growth to appropriate locations. The Plan identifies land use, housing, economic development, transportation, open space, and community health and resource strategies. It builds on previous collaborative work conducted as part of the Bushwick Community Plan by DCP, other City agencies, community residents and stakeholders, Council Members Antonio Reynoso and Rafael Espinal, and Brooklyn Community Board 4. See more about the Plan and read the press release.
On April 23, 2019, the Department of City Planning presented about the Bushwick Neighborhood Plan Update, a draft area-wide plan for the Bushwick community, to Brooklyn Community Board 4’s Land Use Committee. See the presentation here.
In spring 2017, four large public workshops, jointly facilitated by City agency staff and the Bushwick Community Plan Steering Committee, drew hundreds of Bushwick residents to provide feedback on their vision for the future of the neighborhood.
Over the summer of 2017, DCP led a series of eight joint working sessions with the land use, housing, and economic development sub-committees to develop a shared vision and goals for each of the neighborhood’s sub-areas.
The Bushwick Economic Development and Community Health and Resources Summit was held on June 13th, 2017 at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center (374 Stockholm Street). We discussed how Bushwick residents can connect to good jobs, the types of businesses Bushwick residents would like to see in their neighborhood, and the resources needed to support a healthy community.
View the flyer in English or in
On Saturday, February 11th, 2017, more than 200 community members attended a Housing and Land Use Summit hosted by the Bushwick Community Plan Steering Committee, Council Members Antonio Reynoso and Rafael Espinal, DCP, and HPD. In the workshop, community members learned about affordable housing and zoning, discussed the Steering Committee’s draft planning framework and recommendations, and mapped out their vision for the future of the neighborhood.
See the Planning Framework that was discussed at the meeting as well as
photos from the event.