The Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan (AAMUP) is about more than just zoning and land use changes. The plan also focuses on:
Community priorities, public feedback, and citywide goals will guide the development of policies and investments for these issues.
In summer 2024, NYC continued working with the community to refine ideas and opportunities for neighborhood improvements.
On October 15, 2024, the Department presented the neighborhood plan to the City Planning Commission. After the Commission certified AAMUP, the plan officially entered NYC's public review process, known as ULURP. Local Community Boards, the Brooklyn Borough President, the City Planning Commission, and the City Council will all have an opportunity to hold public hearings and recommend changes to the plan.
Please see the upcoming public hearing dates below:
A holistic neighborhood plan includes infrastructure improvements and other investments, which will be codified at the end of ULURP.
The 2023 Community Vision and Priorities Report summarizes community priorities and recommendations for the Atlantic Avenue area and neighboring blocks in Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant.
The report has informed potential zoning changes, environmental review, and future investments in the area.
The draft zoning proposal addresses:
The proposal has four subdistricts: Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use, Special Mid-Block Mixed-Use, North-South Avenue Mixed-Use, and Residential Areas.
In addition, a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) area will help ensure that 20% to 30% of housing produced as a result of the plan will be permanently affordable. We estimate that AAMUP will provide approximately 4,000 units of new housing, of which 1,150 to 1,550 units will be permanently affordable.
Read an in-depth summary of the proposals here.
New to Zoning? Learn More Here
NYC Planning held an environmental scoping meeting on October 17, 2023. The purpose off this meeting was to discuss the plan’s environmental review scope and process.
NYC’s environmental review process involves a comprehensive analysis of potential environmental impacts of a proposal, such as air quality, noise, transportation, schools, and open space. A draft Environmental Impact Statement will be released when AAMUP enters public review (ULURP). A final Environmental Impact Statemen will be issued towards the end of ULURP before the City Planning Commission votes on the plan.
June 2024 Public Realm Open House
NYC Planning, Department of Transportation, and Department of Parks and Recreation held an outdoor open house with elected officials to continue planning for streets, sidewalks, and physical infrastructure around the AAMUP area. Check back soon for a summary of what we heard at the event!
May 2024 Tenant and Homeowner Resource Fair
NYC Planning and the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development hosted an event on tenant and homeownership resources, such as property tax abatements and exemptions, foreclosure prevention and legal help, information on sidewalk concerns, and more.
January 2024 Small Business Round Table
NYC Planning held a round table for local small businesses. The round table included presentations from NYC Small Business Services and the Bridge Street Development Corporation on findings from its Citywide Needs Assessment study on Crown Heights. Business owners discussed concerns such as relocation services, business retrofits, and business preservation.
December 2023 Economic Development Interviews
NYC Planning spoke with small businesses throughout the AAMUP area about their concerns and shared information on the January 2024 small business round table. These businesses included everything from pet care services, to restaurants, to auto shops, to refrigeration services.
NYC Planning has also offered one-on-one interviews with interested businesses to discuss their concerns.
2023 Community Planning Meetings
This series of public events, held winter through spring 2023, focused on developing a shared community vision and priorities for the AAMUP area. The series included community planning workshops, steering committee meetings and working group sessions that were focused on specific topics.
Read the 2023 Community Vision and Priorities Report
We held a series of working groups with community members from February to May 2023. By the end of the series participants had developed a set of community priorities for the Atlantic Avenue Area.
View the May 2023 presentations
View the April 2023 presentations
View the February 2023 presentations
Building on community planning discussions so far, participants workshopped community priorities for the Atlantic Avenue area.
View results of the May 2023 workshop here.
View results of the April 2023 workshop here.
Community members joined city agencies, elected officials and facilitator WXY to learn about the community planning process and share thoughts on Atlantic Avenue.