Capital Projects Database

DCP’s Capital Projects Database (CPDB) provides data users with information on current and future capital projects taking place in NYC that are reported in the Capital Commitment Plan. A “capital project” involves the construction, reconstruction, acquisition, or installation of a physical public improvement with a value of $50,000 or more and a “useful life” of at least five years (three years for Information Technology projects). This encompasses spending on physical public works projects, such as roads, sewers, and bridges, as well as investments in core information and technology infrastructure, and critical equipment, like fire trucks. It does not include spending on programs, such as after school funding or community engagement projects.

The Capital Commitment Plan is published by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) three times a year as part of the publication of the Preliminary, Executive, and Adopted Capital Budgets. Information reported in the Capital Commitment Plan is the foundation that CPDB is then built from; therefore, only the capital projects that appear in the Capital Commitment Plan are reflected in CPDB.

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Individual Features
File Name Name Description REST GeoJSON Download
cpdb_projects.csv CPDB Projects (All) The Capital Projects Dataset reports information at the project level on discrete capital investments from the Capital Commitment Plan. Each row is uniquely identified by its Financial Management Service (FMS) ID, and contains data pertaining to budgetary and managing agency.     Download
cpdb_commitments.csv CPDB Commitments (All) The Capital Commitments Dataset reports information at the commitment level on discrete capital investments from the Capital Commitment Plan. Commitment level data provides a more granular look at the individual components of Capital Projects, and can be used to better understand all relevant budgetary information to commitments, and at aggregate level, projects.     Download
cpdb_projects_poly.shp CPDB Projects (Polygons) Spatial data at the polygon level can be joined to the tabular Capital Projects dataset using the FSM ID. A majority of the spatial data was made available on NYC Open Data by agency partners. Some geometries were created manually, while others relied on 'Fuzzy String Matching'. This process relied on a join to DCP's Facilities Database and DPR's Parks Properties to match project descriptions to physical locations. NOTE: Not all Capital Projects have a spatial component, therefore cpdb_projects_polygons is not a comprehensive list of all Capital Projects. Link to NYC Limited Height Districts (Zoning) REST Feature Service Link to NYC Limited Height Districts (Zoning) GeoJSON Download
cpdb_projects_pts.shp CPDB Projects (Points) Spatial data at the point level can be joined to the tabular Capital Projects dataset using the FSM ID. A majority of the spatial data was made available on NYC Open Data by agency partners. Some geometries were created manually, while others relied on 'Fuzzy String Matching'. This process relied on a join to DCP's Facilities Database and DPR's Parks Properties to match project descriptions to physical locations. NOTE: Not all Capital Projects have a spatial component, therefore cpdb_projects_points is not a comprehensive list of all Capital Projects. Link to NYC Special Purpose Districts With Subdistricts (Zoning) REST Feature Service Link to NYC Special Purpose Districts With Subdistricts (Zoning) GeoJSON Download